Package com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.api.pokemon.ability.abilities
package com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.api.pokemon.ability.abilities
ClassesClassDescriptionHeals 25% hp when hit by a certain type of move.Changes Normal-type moves into Flying-type moves and increases their power by 1.3x.Damages an attacking Pokémon by 25% hp if it faints the user with a contact move.Prevents the effects of weather.Increases move power by 30% if the Pokémon moves after all other pokemon.Maximizes the Pokémon's attack if it gets hit by a critical hit.When the Pokémon's HP falls to 50% or lower, its Attack, Special Attack, and Speed rise by one stage each, while its Defense and Special Defense fall by one stage each.Warns the Pokémon about a super effective move the opponent has.Prevents grounded Pokémon from switching.Prevents the Pokémon and its teammates from being afflicted with Attract, Disable, Encore, Heal Block, Taunt, and Torment.Changes Normal-type moves into a different type and increases their power by 1.2x.Increases the power of a certain type of move by 33.3% for all Pokémon on the field.Reverses the effects of Dark Aura and Fairy Aura.Damages sleeping Pokémon by 1/8 hp every turn.At any time after the first Poké Ball is thrown and fails to catch a Pokémon, at the end of a turn, if a Pokémon with Ball Fetch is on the field and not holding another item, it will pick up the same type of ball as the first one thrown.Beads of Ruin decreases the Special Defense stat of all Pokémon on the field other than the Pokémon with this Ability by 25%.Boosts the Pokémon's Sp.Prevents Defense from being lowered.Boosts the power of Fire-type moves by 50% when below 1/3rd hp.Prevents ball/bomb moves from hitting the Pokémon.Heals 33% hp when this Pokémon eats a Berry.Prevents the Pokémon's stats from being lowered.Prevents the effects of weather.Changes the user's type to the type of the move that dealt damage to it.Pokemon with this are treated as having the Sleep condition, while not actually having said condition.Placeholder for unimplemented Abilities.Increases move accuracy by 30%.Damages Pokémon who make contact by 1/8 hp.When hit, lower the speed of all other pokemon in battleIf the Pokémon eats a Berry, it will eat that Berry again at the end of the next turn.When the Pokémon enters a battle, it scatters medicine from its shell, which removes all stat changes from allies.30% chance to disable a damaging move that hits the Pokémon.30& chance of infatuating an attacker upon contact.Pokemon with this immediately copy any Dance move used.Increases the power of Dark-type moves by 33.3% for all Pokémon on the field.Halves the user's attack and Special attack when at 50% hp or less.Created by Jay113355 on 3/18/2019.Increases the attack stat that targets the opponent's lower Defense stat.Created by Jay113355 on 10/2/2020.Causes heavy rain when the Pokémon switches in.Causes the weather to become sunny when the user switches in.1/8 healing every turn in rain, 1/8 damage every turn in sun.Halves the number of turns that sleep lasts.30% chance of poisoning, paralyzing, or putting to sleep a Pokémon who makes contact.Applies the Electric Terrain environment on switch in.tg5402tyhgvioaerlvhj[tt94yh842qlyo5?????????Increases the power of Fairy-type moves by 33.3% for all Pokémon on the field.Reduces the damage of super effective moves to 75%.30% chance of burning a Pokémon who makes contact.Negates Fire-type moves and strengthens the Pokémon's own Fire-type moves when hit by one.During sunlight, raises the attack and Special Defense of the Pokémon and its allies by 50%.Prevents Grass-type teammates from being afflicted with statuses or stat drops.Halves damage from Fire-type moves and doubles damage from contact moves.Causes Castform to change form when the weather changes.Displays the opponent's most dangerous move.Reduces damage from teammates to 75%.Displays the opponent's held item.Doubles physical Defense.Gives Flying-type moves +1 priority if the user is on full health.Changes Normal type moves into Electric type and boosts them by 20%Lowers an aggressor's speed by one stage upon contact.Boosts a pokemon's Attack by 50%, but limits it to a single move, similar to choice items.If Grassy Terrain is active, Defense increases by 50%.Applies the Grassy Terrain environment on switch in.Increases attack by one stage when the user KOs a Pokémon.Lowers the attack of opponents by one stage upon switching in.This ability is weird.Increases the Pokémon's attack by 50% if it has a non-volatile status.Turns the ground into Electric Terrain when the Pokémon enters a battle.50% chance of regaining a previously consumed Berry every turn.Has a 30% chance of healing an ally's status condition every turn.Halves the damage from Fire-type moves and burns.Heals ally pokémon 25% when it switches in.Created by Jay113355 on 8/20/2020.Increases attack by 50% and lowers the accuracy of physical moves by 20%.Heals and prevents the all non-volatile statuses on the Pokémon while it is raining.Prevents attack from being lowered.Created by Kieran on 15/04/2015.Created by Jay113355 on 6/12/2020.Halves damage from special attacksPrevents the effects of weather.Disguises the Pokémon as the last Pokémon in the Trainer's party.Prevents the Pokémon from being poisoned.Transforms the user into an opposing Pokémon when switching in.Prevents flinching.Prevents Pokémon from falling asleep.Lowers the attack of opponents by one stage upon switching in.Damages Pokémon who make contact by 1/8 hp.Increases the power of punching moves by 20%.Raises attack stat of user by .5 every time a Dark move hits the user.Prevents accuracy from being lowered.During intense sunlight, Leaf Guard prevents the Pokémon from being afflicted by non-volatile status conditions and Yawn.Makes the Pokémon immune to grounded attacks.Changes the pokemons type to the move they are about to useGrants an immunity to Electric-type attacks and raises Special attack by one stage when hit by one.Prevents paralysis.Lingering AromaBoosts the power of a certain type of move by 50% when below 1/3rd hp.Reflects most status moves back at the moves' users.Steals the opponent's held item after attacking it.Prevents Pokémon from being frozen.Prevents opposing Steel-type Pokémon from switching out.Raises the Defense stat by 50% if the Pokémon with this Ability is suffering from a status condition.Increases the power of pulse moves by 50%.Changes the Pokémon's type depending on the terrain.Increases Special attack by 50% if another Pokémon on the user's side has Plus or Minus.Bounces back only the stat-lowering effects that the Pokémon receives.Applies the Misty Terrain environment on switch in.Cause moves to ignore the effects of Abilities that block moves.Raises a random stat by two stages and lowers another stat by one stage each turn.Makes the Pokémon immune to Electric-type moves and increases the Pokémon's speed by one stage when hit by one.Increases attack by one stage when the user KOs a Pokémon.Halves direct damage when at full health.Changes an attacking Pokémon's Ability to Mummy on contact.When a Pokémon with Mycelium Might uses a status move, it always moves last within its priority bracket, and the effects of all Pokémon's ignorable Abilities are ignored for the execution of that move.Cures non-volatile statuses when switching out.Increases the power of moves by 25% when it 'would be super effective'.Nullifies a large majority of abilities.Makes moves used by or against the Pokémon always hit.Turns all of the Pokémon's moves into Normal-type moves and boosts them by 20%.Prevents the Pokémon from being afflicted by infatuation or Taunt.Decreases a stat by 25% of all Pokémon except the owner of the ability.If an opponent's stat is boosted, the Pokémon seizes the opportunity to boost the same stat for itself.Turns the sunlight harsh when the Pokémon enters a battle.Blocks weather damage and powder moves.Boosts the power of Grass-type moves by 50% when below 1/3rd hp.Prevents confusion.Causes the user to attack twice, with the second hit being at 50% power.Prevents the user and its allies from poison.Steals an attacker's held item on contact if the Pokémon has no held item.Retrieves held items previously consumed by other Pokémon.Changes Normal-type moves into Fairy-type moves and increases their power by 1.3x.Increases Special attack by 50% if another Pokémon on the user's side has Plus or Minus.30% chance of poisoning a Pokémon who makes contact.30% chance of poisoning a Pokémon upon making contact with it.Created by Jay113355 on 4/27/2020.Boosts the power of allies' attacks by 30%Drains an extra PP per move used against the Pokémon.Prevents Pokémon from falling asleep.Prevents the Pokémon's stats from being lowered.Prevents the Pokémon from being afflicted by certain statuses.Prevents the Pokémon and allies from being afflicted by certain statuses.Propeller Tail makes its user's moves ignore the target-redirecting effects of moves and Abilities.When the Pokémon uses a move, changes the Pokémon's type into the move's type.Applies the Psychic Terrain environment on switch in.Halves damage from Sound Based moves, increases power of Sound Based movesPrevents the Pokémon from being afflicted by non-volatile status conditions and yawn.Enables the Pokémon to move first occasionally.Increases the Pokémon's speed by 50% if the Pokémon has a non-volatile status.Heals the Pokémon by 1/16th of its maximum hp every turn in rain.Increases speed when hit by a Bug, Dark, or Ghost move; or when affected by intimidate.Increases the power of recoil moves by 20%.Grants an immunity to a type and redirects any single-target moves of that type to the Pokémon.Changes Normal-type moves into Ice-type moves and increases their power by 1.3x.Heals 1/3 of the Pokémon's health upon switching out.Doubles the benefit of some berries.Increases the power of moves that hit Pokémon of the same gender, and decreases the power of moves that hit Pokémon of the opposite gender.Damages Pokémon who make contact by 1/8 hp.During a sandstorm, Sand Force increase the power of Rock-, Ground-, and Steel-type moves used by the Pokémon by 30%.During a sandstorm, the speed stat of Pokémon with this Ability is doubled.Causes a sandstorm when the user switches in.Grants an immunity to Grass-type moves, and raises attack by one stage if hit by one.Makes Normal and Fighting-type moves able to hit Ghost-type Pokémon.Ends effects of LightScreen, AuroraVeil, and Reflect for both sides when sent out.Applies the Grassy Terrain environment on being hit with a damaging move.Doubles the chance of secondary effects occurring.Prevents the opposing Pokémon from switching out.Powers up slicing moves by 50%Has a 30% chance of curing the Pokémon's non-volatile status every turn.Increases the power of moves with secondary effects by 30%, and removes the secondary effects.Removes the secondary effects of moves hitting this Pokémon.Halves the Pokémon's attack and speed for five turns.Causes the weather to become snow.During intense sunlight, Solar Power increases the Pokémon's Special attack by 1.5x, but the Pokémon loses 1/8th of its maximum hp at the end of each turn.Reduces the damage of super effective moves to 75%.Prevents sound-based moves from affecting the Pokémon.Raises speed by one stage every turn.Stalwart makes its user's moves ignore the target-redirecting effects of moves and Abilities.30% chance of paralyzing a Pokémon on contact.Drastically boosts Speed if the pokemon is hit by water or fire type movesBoosts steel type moves power for self and allies10% chance of damaging moves making the target flinch.Grants an immunity to Water-type attacks and raises Special attack by one stage when hit by one.Increases the power of biting moves by 50%.Causes the Pokémon to survive an otherwise-fatal move at 1 hp remaining.Lowers the evasion of opponents by one stage upon switching in the first time.Boosts the power of Bug-type moves by 50% when below 1/3rd hp.Prevents the user and its teammates from falling asleep.Sword of Ruin decreases the Defense stat of all Pokémon on the field other than the Pokémon with this Ability by 25%.Causes the user to give its held item to an ally after the ally consumes one.Passes non-volatile statuses to the Pokémon who inflicted them.Tablets of Ruin decreases the Attack stat of all Pokémon on the field other than the Pokémon with this Ability by 25%.Increases power of moves with 60 power or less.Prevents teammates' moves from hitting the Pokémon.Cause moves to ignore the effects of Abilities that block moves.Halves damage from Fire/Ice moves.Increases the power of not very effective moves.Boosts the power of Water-type moves by 50% when below 1/3rd hp.Increases the power of contact moves by 30%.Boosts attack by 50% when poisoned.Adds a 30% chance to badly poison the opponent on attacks.Copies the opponent's Ability.Prevents the Pokémon from moving every other turn.Cause moves to ignore the effects of Abilities that block moves.Doubles the Pokémon's speed if it consumes a held item.Prevents opponents from eating Berries.Vessel of Ruin decreases the Special Attack stat of all Pokémon on the field other than the Pokémon with this Ability by 25%.Raises the accuracy of moves used by the user and its teammates by 10%.Prevents sleep.Heals 25% hp when hit by an Electric-type move.Switches abilities with a Pokemon that hits it with a contact moveHeals the Pokémon by 25% of its maximum hp when hit by a Water-type move.Prevents burn.Lowers Defense and raises speed when hit by a physical move.When a Pokémon with Well-Baked Body is hit by a Fire-type move, its Defense is increased by two stages, and the move will have no effect on that Pokémon.Prevents the Pokémon's stats from being lowered.Clone of Emergency ExitWhen a Pokémon with Wind Power is hit by a wind move or when Tailwind takes effect, it gains the Charge status.Boosts the Pokémon's Attack stat if Tailwind takes effect or if the Pokémon is hit by a wind move.Only super effective or status moves can affect the Pokémon.Lowers the accuracy of status moves to 50%.Changes Darmanitan to its Zen Mode form when its hp falls below half.After switching out for the first time in battle (not due to fainting), a Palafin with the Ability switches to its Hero Form until the end of battle.