All Implemented Interfaces:
Ability, RarityTweak, ITranslatable

public class Opportunist extends AbstractAbility
If an opponent's stat is boosted, the Pokémon seizes the opportunity to boost the same stat for itself.
  • Constructor Details

    • Opportunist

      public Opportunist()
  • Method Details

    • onStatIncrease

      public void onStatIncrease(PixelmonWrapper pw, PixelmonWrapper affected, int amount, BattleStatsType stat)
      Description copied from interface: Ability
      Triggers when one of the holder's stats are increased.
      pw - The Pokémon whose ability it is.
      affected - The Pokémon whose stat was increased.
      amount - The size of the increase.
      stat - The stat that was increased.
    • applyEffectOnStatModified

      public void applyEffectOnStatModified(PixelmonWrapper pw, PixelmonWrapper affected)
      Description copied from interface: Ability
      Triggers when the holder's stats are modified. Fired after onStatIncrease and onStatDecrease fire for each stat change.
      pw - The Pokémon whose ability it is.
      affected - The Pokémon whose stats were just modified.