Class FlowerGift
- All Implemented Interfaces:
During sunlight, raises the attack and Special Defense of the Pokémon and its allies by 50%.
Additionally, and starting from generation 5, this ability is responsible for transforming
into sunshine form.-
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PixelmonWrapper newPokemon) Triggers after the Pokémon switches in and when the Pokémon gains an Ability.void
Triggers when the Pokémon switches out.boolean
Returns whether the ability can be transferred via Entrainment.boolean
Returns whether the ability can be bypassed by moves that ignore abilities or not.boolean
Returns whether the ability can be copied from an ally via Receiver.boolean
Returns whether the ability can be copied via Roleplay.boolean
Returns whether the ability can be copied via[]
(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, int[] stats) Modifies an allied Pokémon's stats at the beginning of a battle[]
(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, int[] stats) Modifies an allied Pokémon's stats at the beginning of a battle turn.void
(PixelmonWrapper pokemon) Triggers just before the Pokémon loses an Ability in battle.void
(PixelmonWrapper pw, Weather weather) Triggers when the weather changes.boolean
Returns whether the ability is active for Transformed pokemon.Methods inherited from class com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.api.pokemon.ability.AbstractAbility
equals, getName, getNewInstance, getTranslationKey, hashCode
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.api.pokemon.ability.Ability
adjustCriticalHitChance, adjustCritStage, allowsAttack, allowsIncomingAttack, allowsIncomingAttackMessage, allowsIncomingAttackTeammate, allowsOutgoingAttack, allowsStatChange, allowsStatChangeTeammate, allowsStatus, allowsStatusOpponent, allowsStatusTeammate, alwaysConsideredDamaged, applyAllySwitchInEffect, applyCritMultiplier, applyDynamaxEffect, applyEffectOnContactTarget, applyEffectOnContactTargetLate, applyEffectOnContactUser, applyEffectOnStatModified, applyEndOfBattleEffect, applyFoeSwitchInEffect, applyPostSwitchEffect, applyRepeatedEffect, applyRepeatedEffectAfterStatus, applyStartOfBattleEffect, applyStartOfBattleHeadOfPartyEffect, applyStartOfTurnEffect, applySwitchReplaceEffect, beforeSwitch, canAttackThisTurn, canBeCopied, canBeDisabled, canBeSwapped, canPerish, doesAttackUserIgnoreProtect, doesContactAttackMakeContact, getMultiplier, ignoreEvasion, ignoresStatusTypeImmunity, ignoreWeather, isAbility, isAbility, isAbility, isAbility, isAbility, isNegativeAbility, modifyConfusionDamage, modifyDamage, modifyDamageIncludeFixed, modifyDamageTarget, modifyDamageTeammate, modifyDamageUser, modifyEffectiveTypes, modifyMoveEffectChanceTarget, modifyMoveEffectChanceUser, modifyMoveEffects, modifyPowerAndAccuracyTarget, modifyPowerAndAccuracyTeammate, modifyPowerAndAccuracyUser, modifyPriority, modifySelfDamage, modifyStab, modifyStats, modifyStatsCancellable, modifyStatsCancellableOther, modifyStatsOther, modifyType, modifyWeight, needNewInstance, onAllyFaint, onBerryEaten, onDamageReceived, onFoeFaint, onHealed, onItemChanged, onItemConsumed, onSelfFaint, onStatDecrease, onStatIncrease, onStatusAdded, onTerrainSwitch, postProcessAttack, postProcessAttackOther, postProcessAttackUser, postProcessAttackUserHitOrMiss, preProcessAttack, preProcessAttackStatBeforeDamageCalc, preProcessAttackUser, preventsCriticalHits, preventsItemRemoval, preventsRedirection, redirectAttack, sendActivatedMessage, startMove, stopsForcedSwitches, stopsSwitching, tookDamageTarget, tookDamageTargetAfterMove, tookDamageUser
Methods inherited from interface com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.api.util.ITranslatable
getLocalizedName, getTranslatedName
Constructor Details
public FlowerGift()
Method Details
Description copied from interface:Ability
Modifies an allied Pokémon's stats at the beginning of a battle turn.- Parameters:
- The Pokémon to be modified.stats
- The Pokémon's stats.- Returns:
- The modified stats.
Description copied from interface:Ability
Modifies an allied Pokémon's stats at the beginning of a battle turn. Affected by Abilities that negate other Abilities.- Parameters:
- The Pokémon to be modified.stats
- The Pokémon's stats.- Returns:
- The modified stats.
Description copied from interface:Ability
Triggers when the weather changes.- Parameters:
- The Pokémon to affect with the weather
- The new weather.
Description copied from interface:Ability
Triggers after the Pokémon switches in and when the Pokémon gains an Ability.- Parameters:
- The Pokémon switching in.
Description copied from interface:Ability
Triggers when the Pokémon switches out.- Parameters:
- The Pokémon switching out.
Description copied from interface:Ability
Triggers just before the Pokémon loses an Ability in battle.- Parameters:
- The Pokémon with the Ability.
public boolean canBeRoleplayed()Description copied from interface:Ability
Returns whether the ability can be copied via Roleplay.- Returns:
- Whether the ability can be copied.
public boolean canBeReceived()Description copied from interface:Ability
Returns whether the ability can be copied from an ally via Receiver.- Returns:
- Whether the ability can be Received from an ally.
public boolean canBeEntrained()Description copied from interface:Ability
Returns whether the ability can be transferred via Entrainment.- Returns:
- Whether the ability can be set on opponent.
public boolean canBeTraced()Description copied from interface:Ability
Returns whether the ability can be copied via Trace.- Returns:
- Whether the ability can be Traced.
public boolean canBeIgnored()Description copied from interface:Ability
Returns whether the ability can be bypassed by moves that ignore abilities or not. e.g. Moldbreaker or G-Max Drum Solo- Returns:
- Whether the ability can be ignored.
public boolean worksWithTransformedPokemon()Description copied from interface:Ability
Returns whether the ability is active for Transformed pokemon.- Returns:
- Whether the ability can be used by transformed pokemon.