Class IceFace
- All Implemented Interfaces:
Created by Jay113355 on 6/12/2020.
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PixelmonWrapper newPokemon) Triggers after the Pokémon switches in.boolean
Returns whether the ability can be disabled by external effects eg.boolean
Returns whether the ability can be transferred via Entrainment.boolean
Returns whether the ability can be bypassed by moves that ignore abilities or not.boolean
Returns whether the ability can be copied from an ally via Receiver.boolean
Returns whether the ability can be copied via Roleplay.boolean
Returns whether the ability can be part of a Skill Swap exchange.boolean
Returns whether the ability can be copied via
(int damage, PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper target, Attack a) Triggers when the Pokémon takes direct damage, including fixed damage moves.boolean
Checks if a new instance of the Ability needs to be initialized if a Pokémon receives it in battle.void
(PixelmonWrapper pw, Weather weather) Triggers when the weather changes.boolean
Returns whether the ability is active for Transformed pokemon.Methods inherited from class com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.api.pokemon.ability.AbstractAbility
equals, getName, getNewInstance, getTranslationKey, hashCode
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.api.pokemon.ability.Ability
adjustCriticalHitChance, adjustCritStage, allowsAttack, allowsIncomingAttack, allowsIncomingAttackMessage, allowsIncomingAttackTeammate, allowsOutgoingAttack, allowsStatChange, allowsStatChangeTeammate, allowsStatus, allowsStatusOpponent, allowsStatusTeammate, alwaysConsideredDamaged, applyAllySwitchInEffect, applyCritMultiplier, applyDynamaxEffect, applyEffectOnContactTarget, applyEffectOnContactTargetLate, applyEffectOnContactUser, applyEffectOnStatModified, applyEndOfBattleEffect, applyFoeSwitchInEffect, applyRepeatedEffect, applyRepeatedEffectAfterStatus, applyStartOfBattleEffect, applyStartOfBattleHeadOfPartyEffect, applyStartOfTurnEffect, applySwitchInEffect, applySwitchOutEffect, applySwitchReplaceEffect, beforeSwitch, canAttackThisTurn, canBeCopied, canPerish, doesAttackUserIgnoreProtect, doesContactAttackMakeContact, getMultiplier, ignoreEvasion, ignoresStatusTypeImmunity, ignoreWeather, isAbility, isAbility, isAbility, isAbility, isAbility, isNegativeAbility, modifyConfusionDamage, modifyDamage, modifyDamageTarget, modifyDamageTeammate, modifyDamageUser, modifyEffectiveTypes, modifyMoveEffectChanceTarget, modifyMoveEffectChanceUser, modifyMoveEffects, modifyPowerAndAccuracyTarget, modifyPowerAndAccuracyTeammate, modifyPowerAndAccuracyUser, modifyPriority, modifySelfDamage, modifyStab, modifyStats, modifyStatsCancellable, modifyStatsCancellableOther, modifyStatsCancellableTeammate, modifyStatsOther, modifyStatsTeammate, modifyType, modifyWeight, onAbilityLost, onAllyFaint, onBerryEaten, onDamageReceived, onFoeFaint, onHealed, onItemChanged, onItemConsumed, onSelfFaint, onStatDecrease, onStatIncrease, onStatusAdded, onTerrainSwitch, postProcessAttack, postProcessAttackOther, postProcessAttackUser, postProcessAttackUserHitOrMiss, preProcessAttack, preProcessAttackStatBeforeDamageCalc, preProcessAttackUser, preventsCriticalHits, preventsItemRemoval, preventsRedirection, redirectAttack, sendActivatedMessage, startMove, stopsForcedSwitches, stopsSwitching, tookDamageTarget, tookDamageTargetAfterMove, tookDamageUser
Methods inherited from interface com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.api.util.ITranslatable
getLocalizedName, getTranslatedName
Constructor Details
public IceFace()
Method Details
public int modifyDamageIncludeFixed(int damage, PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper target, Attack a) Description copied from interface:Ability
Triggers when the Pokémon takes direct damage, including fixed damage moves.- Parameters:
- The amount of damage dealt.user
- The attack's
- The attack's target.a
- The attack.- Returns:
- The modified damage.
Triggers after the Pokémon switches in.- Parameters:
- The Pokémon switching in.
Triggers when the weather changes.- Parameters:
- The Pokémon to affect with the weather
- The new weather.
public boolean needNewInstance()Checks if a new instance of the Ability needs to be initialized if a Pokémon receives it in battle.- Returns:
- Whether a new instance of the Ability needs to be initialized if a Pokémon receives it in battle.
public boolean canBeRoleplayed()Description copied from interface:Ability
Returns whether the ability can be copied via Roleplay.- Returns:
- Whether the ability can be copied.
public boolean canBeReceived()Description copied from interface:Ability
Returns whether the ability can be copied from an ally via Receiver.- Returns:
- Whether the ability can be Received from an ally.
public boolean canBeEntrained()Description copied from interface:Ability
Returns whether the ability can be transferred via Entrainment.- Returns:
- Whether the ability can be set on opponent.
public boolean canBeTraced()Description copied from interface:Ability
Returns whether the ability can be copied via Trace.- Returns:
- Whether the ability can be Traced.
public boolean canBeSwapped()Description copied from interface:Ability
Returns whether the ability can be part of a Skill Swap exchange.- Returns:
- Whether the ability can be swapped.
public boolean canBeDisabled()Description copied from interface:Ability
Returns whether the ability can be disabled by external effects eg. Neutralizing Gas.- Returns:
- Whether the ability can be disabled.
public boolean canBeIgnored()Description copied from interface:Ability
Returns whether the ability can be bypassed by moves that ignore abilities or not. e.g. Moldbreaker or G-Max Drum Solo- Returns:
- Whether the ability can be ignored.
public boolean worksWithTransformedPokemon()Description copied from interface:Ability
Returns whether the ability is active for Transformed pokemon.- Returns:
- Whether the ability can be used by transformed pokemon.