Class PreventStatus
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Direct Known Subclasses:
Prevents the Pokémon from being afflicted by certain statuses.
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionprotected String
The lang code for the text to display when the Ability cures the status.protected String
The lang code for the text to display when the Ability prevents the status.protected StatusType[]
The statuses that the Ability grants an immunity to. -
Constructor Summary
(String immuneText, String cureText, StatusType... preventedStatuses) Initializes the Ability. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(StatusType status, PixelmonWrapper pokemon, PixelmonWrapper user) Fires when a status attempts to apply.void
(PixelmonWrapper pokemon) Triggers after the Pokémon switches in and when the Pokémon gains an Ability.boolean
Returns whether the ability can be bypassed by moves that ignore abilities or not.void
(StatusBase status, PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper opponent) Triggers when the Pokémon acquires a status.Methods inherited from class com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.api.pokemon.ability.AbstractAbility
equals, getName, getNewInstance, getTranslationKey, hashCode
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.api.pokemon.ability.Ability
adjustCriticalHitChance, adjustCritStage, allowsAttack, allowsIncomingAttack, allowsIncomingAttackMessage, allowsIncomingAttackTeammate, allowsOutgoingAttack, allowsStatChange, allowsStatChangeTeammate, allowsStatusOpponent, allowsStatusTeammate, alwaysConsideredDamaged, applyAllySwitchInEffect, applyCritMultiplier, applyDynamaxEffect, applyEffectOnContactTarget, applyEffectOnContactTargetLate, applyEffectOnContactUser, applyEffectOnStatModified, applyEndOfBattleEffect, applyFoeSwitchInEffect, applyPostSwitchEffect, applyRepeatedEffect, applyRepeatedEffectAfterStatus, applyStartOfBattleEffect, applyStartOfBattleHeadOfPartyEffect, applyStartOfTurnEffect, applySwitchOutEffect, applySwitchReplaceEffect, beforeSwitch, canAttackThisTurn, canBeCopied, canBeDisabled, canBeEntrained, canBeReceived, canBeRoleplayed, canBeSwapped, canBeTraced, canPerish, doesAttackUserIgnoreProtect, doesContactAttackMakeContact, getMultiplier, ignoreEvasion, ignoresStatusTypeImmunity, ignoreWeather, isAbility, isAbility, isAbility, isAbility, isAbility, isNegativeAbility, modifyConfusionDamage, modifyDamage, modifyDamageIncludeFixed, modifyDamageTarget, modifyDamageTeammate, modifyDamageUser, modifyEffectiveTypes, modifyMoveEffectChanceTarget, modifyMoveEffectChanceUser, modifyMoveEffects, modifyPowerAndAccuracyTarget, modifyPowerAndAccuracyTeammate, modifyPowerAndAccuracyUser, modifyPriority, modifySelfDamage, modifyStab, modifyStats, modifyStatsCancellable, modifyStatsCancellableOther, modifyStatsCancellableTeammate, modifyStatsOther, modifyStatsTeammate, modifyType, modifyWeight, needNewInstance, onAbilityLost, onAllyFaint, onBerryEaten, onDamageReceived, onFoeFaint, onHealed, onItemChanged, onItemConsumed, onSelfFaint, onStatDecrease, onStatIncrease, onTerrainSwitch, onWeatherChange, postProcessAttack, postProcessAttackOther, postProcessAttackUser, postProcessAttackUserHitOrMiss, preProcessAttack, preProcessAttackStatBeforeDamageCalc, preProcessAttackUser, preventsCriticalHits, preventsItemRemoval, preventsRedirection, redirectAttack, sendActivatedMessage, startMove, stopsForcedSwitches, stopsSwitching, tookDamageTarget, tookDamageTargetAfterMove, tookDamageUser, worksWithTransformedPokemon
Methods inherited from interface com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.api.util.ITranslatable
getLocalizedName, getTranslatedName
Field Details
The statuses that the Ability grants an immunity to. -
The lang code for the text to display when the Ability prevents the status. -
The lang code for the text to display when the Ability cures the status.
Constructor Details
Initializes the Ability.- Parameters:
- The lang code for the text to display when the Ability prevents the status.cureText
- The lang code for the text to display when the Ability cures the status.preventedStatuses
- The statuses that the Ability grants an immunity to.
Method Details
Description copied from interface:Ability
Fires when a status attempts to apply.- Parameters:
- StatusType.[whatever status] == status is the condition of the if statement.pokemon
- The victim.user
- The user.- Returns:
- Whether the status can be afflicted.
Description copied from interface:Ability
Triggers when the Pokémon acquires a status.- Parameters:
- The status that was added.user
- The statused Pokémon.opponent
- The Pokémon who caused the status.
Description copied from interface:Ability
Triggers after the Pokémon switches in and when the Pokémon gains an Ability.- Parameters:
- The Pokémon switching in.
public boolean canBeIgnored()Description copied from interface:Ability
Returns whether the ability can be bypassed by moves that ignore abilities or not. e.g. Moldbreaker or G-Max Drum Solo- Returns:
- Whether the ability can be ignored.