Class Truant
- All Implemented Interfaces:
Prevents the Pokémon from moving every other turn.
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionboolean
Whether the Pokémon can make a move in the current turn.boolean
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PixelmonWrapper newPokemon) Triggers after the Pokémon switches in and when the Pokémon gains an Ability.void
(PixelmonWrapper newPokemon, PixelmonWrapper oldPokemon) Triggers after an Pokémon switches in.boolean
(PixelmonWrapper user, Attack a) Checks if the Pokémon's Ability allows it to make a move.boolean
Checks if a new instance of the Ability needs to be initialized if a Pokémon receives it in battle.void
Affects the Pokémon at the start of using a move.Methods inherited from class com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.api.pokemon.ability.AbstractAbility
equals, getName, getNewInstance, getTranslationKey, hashCode
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.api.pokemon.ability.Ability
adjustCriticalHitChance, adjustCritStage, allowsAttack, allowsIncomingAttack, allowsIncomingAttackMessage, allowsIncomingAttackTeammate, allowsOutgoingAttack, allowsStatChange, allowsStatChangeTeammate, allowsStatus, allowsStatusOpponent, allowsStatusTeammate, alwaysConsideredDamaged, applyAllySwitchInEffect, applyCritMultiplier, applyDynamaxEffect, applyEffectOnContactTarget, applyEffectOnContactTargetLate, applyEffectOnContactUser, applyEffectOnStatModified, applyEndOfBattleEffect, applyFoeSwitchInEffect, applyPostSwitchEffect, applyRepeatedEffect, applyRepeatedEffectAfterStatus, applyStartOfBattleEffect, applyStartOfBattleHeadOfPartyEffect, applyStartOfTurnEffect, applySwitchOutEffect, beforeSwitch, canBeCopied, canBeDisabled, canBeEntrained, canBeIgnored, canBeReceived, canBeRoleplayed, canBeSwapped, canBeTraced, canPerish, doesAttackUserIgnoreProtect, doesContactAttackMakeContact, getMultiplier, ignoreEvasion, ignoresStatusTypeImmunity, ignoreWeather, isAbility, isAbility, isAbility, isAbility, isAbility, isNegativeAbility, modifyConfusionDamage, modifyDamage, modifyDamageIncludeFixed, modifyDamageTarget, modifyDamageTeammate, modifyDamageUser, modifyEffectiveTypes, modifyMoveEffectChanceTarget, modifyMoveEffectChanceUser, modifyMoveEffects, modifyPowerAndAccuracyTarget, modifyPowerAndAccuracyTeammate, modifyPowerAndAccuracyUser, modifyPriority, modifySelfDamage, modifyStab, modifyStats, modifyStatsCancellable, modifyStatsCancellableOther, modifyStatsCancellableTeammate, modifyStatsOther, modifyStatsTeammate, modifyType, modifyWeight, onAbilityLost, onAllyFaint, onBerryEaten, onDamageReceived, onFoeFaint, onHealed, onItemChanged, onItemConsumed, onSelfFaint, onStatDecrease, onStatIncrease, onStatusAdded, onTerrainSwitch, onWeatherChange, postProcessAttack, postProcessAttackOther, postProcessAttackUser, postProcessAttackUserHitOrMiss, preProcessAttack, preProcessAttackStatBeforeDamageCalc, preProcessAttackUser, preventsCriticalHits, preventsItemRemoval, preventsRedirection, redirectAttack, sendActivatedMessage, stopsForcedSwitches, stopsSwitching, tookDamageTarget, tookDamageTargetAfterMove, tookDamageUser, worksWithTransformedPokemon
Methods inherited from interface com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.api.util.ITranslatable
getLocalizedName, getTranslatedName
Field Details
public boolean canMoveWhether the Pokémon can make a move in the current turn. -
public boolean replacedEOTFaint
Constructor Details
public Truant()
Method Details
Description copied from interface:Ability
Checks if the Pokémon's Ability allows it to make a move.- Parameters:
- The Pokémon with the Ability.a
- The move to be used.- Returns:
- Whether the Pokémon's Ability allows it to make a move.
Description copied from interface:Ability
Triggers after the Pokémon switches in and when the Pokémon gains an Ability.- Parameters:
- The Pokémon switching in.
Description copied from interface:Ability
Triggers after an Pokémon switches in.- Parameters:
- The Pokémon with the ability switching in.oldPokemon
- The Pokémon switching out.
Description copied from interface:Ability
Affects the Pokémon at the start of using a move.- Parameters:
- The Pokémon with the Ability.
public boolean needNewInstance()Description copied from interface:Ability
Checks if a new instance of the Ability needs to be initialized if a Pokémon receives it in battle.- Returns:
- Whether a new instance of the Ability needs to be initialized if a Pokémon receives it in battle.