Direct Known Subclasses:
Acrobatics, Acupressure, AddType, AfterYou, AlluringVoice, AllySwitch, AromaticMist, Assist, Assurance, AuraWheel, BarbBarrage, BatonPass, BeakBlast, BeatUp, Befuddle, Belch, BellyDrum, Bestow, BoltBeak, BrickBreak, BugBite, BurningJealousy, Camouflage, Captivate, Celebrate, ChangeAbility, CheckedStrikes, ChiStrike, ClangorousSoul, Coaching, ConsumeType, Conversion, Conversion2, Copycat, CoreEnforcer, CorrosiveGas, CourtChange, Cuddle, Curse, DamageReflect, Defog, Depletion, DireClaw, DoSetDamage, DoubleOnHalf, DragonCheer, DragonDarts, DragonEnergy, Drain, DreamEater, Drive, DynamaxCannon, EchoedVoice, EerieSpell, ElectroBall, Endeavor, Entrainment, Eruption, ExpandingForce, Facade, FakeOut, FalseSwipe, Feint, FellStinger, FickleBeam, FilletAway, Finale, FinalGambit, Flail, FlameBurst, Flee, Fling, FlowerShield, FlyingPress, FocusEnergy, FocusPunch, FreezeDry, Frustration, FuryCutter, FusionBolt, FusionFlare, FutureSight, GigatonHammer, GlaiveRush, GoldRush, GravApple, Growth, GyroBall, HappyHour, HardPress, Haze, HealBell, HeavySlam, Hex, HiddenPower, HoldHands, HydroSteam, Hyperspace, Incinerate, Instruct, Judgment, JumpKick, JungleHealing, KnockOff, LashOut, LastResort, LastRespects, LowKick, MagicPowder, MagneticFlux, Magnitude, Malodor, MeFirst, Memento, Metronome, Mimic, MindBlown, MirrorMove, MultiAttack, MysticalPower, NaturalGift, NaturePower, NaturesMadness, NightShade, OHKO, OrderUp, PainSplit, PartingShot, Payback, PayDay, PhotonGeyser, Pledge, PollenPuff, Poltergeist, PopulationBomb, Present, PsychicNoise, PsychoShift, PsychUp, Psystrike, Psywave, Punishment, Purify, Pursuit, Quash, Rage, RageFist, RagingBull, RaiseStats, RapidSpin, Recover, Recycle, ReflectType, Refresh, RelicSong, Replenish, Rest, Retaliate, Return, RevelationDance, Revenge, Reversal, RevivalBlessing, RisingVoltage, RolePlay, Rototiller, Round, ScaleShot, ScorchingSands, SecretPower, SelfBoost, ShedTail, ShellSideArm, ShellTrap, ShoreUp, Sketch, SkillSwap, SleepTalk, SmackDown, SmellingSalt, Smite, Snooze, Snore, Soak, SparklingAria, SpectralThief, Spite, SpitUp, Splash, StatReplaceEffect, SteelBeam, SteelRoller, StompingTantrum, StoredPower, Struggle, StuffCheeks, StunShock, SuckerPunch, Suicide, SupercellSlam, SuperEffectiveBoost, Swallow, Swap, Sweetness, SwitchOut, Synchronoise, Synthesis, TakeHeart, TeaTime, TerrainPulse, Thaw, Thief, TidyUp, TopsyTurvy, Toxic, Transform, TriAttack, Trick, TripleAxel, TripleKick, TrumpCard, UpperHand, VenomDrench, Venoshock, VoltCrash, WakeUp, WakeUpSlap, WeatherBall, WringOut, ZNaturePower

public abstract class SpecialAttackBase extends EffectBase
Superclass for miscellaneous move effects.
  • Constructor Details

    • SpecialAttackBase

      public SpecialAttackBase()
  • Method Details

    • applyEffectDuring

      public AttackResult applyEffectDuring(PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper target)
      Causes effects before move connects.
      user - The move's user.
      target - The move's target.
      The result of the effect.
    • applyEffect

      public void applyEffect(PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper target)
      Causes various effects during the move.
      Specified by:
      applyEffect in class EffectBase
      user - The move's user.
      target - The move's target.
    • applyAfterEffect

      public void applyAfterEffect(PixelmonWrapper user)
      Fires after the moves functionality has completed, after damage, etc.
      user - - The user of the move.
    • cantMiss

      public boolean cantMiss(PixelmonWrapper user)
      Description copied from class: EffectBase
      Determines whether a move cannot miss.
      Specified by:
      cantMiss in class EffectBase
      user - The move's user.
      Whether the move can't miss.
    • modifyPriority

      public float modifyPriority(PixelmonWrapper pw)
      Changes the move's priority.
      pw - The move's user.
      The new priority of the move.
    • overridesDefendingStat

      public boolean overridesDefendingStat(PixelmonWrapper pw, PixelmonWrapper target)
      Changes the stat the target uses to defend.
      pw - The move's user.
      target - The move's target.
      Whether the target switches between using Defense and Special Defense.
    • ignoresWeather

      public boolean ignoresWeather(PixelmonWrapper pw)
      Has the move ignore weather effects.
      pw - The move's user.
      Whether the move is affected by weather.
    • shouldThawUser

      public boolean shouldThawUser(PixelmonWrapper pw)
      Whether the move should thaw the attacker.
      pw - The move's user.
      if the user should be thawed.