Interface Requirement<A,B,C>

Type Parameters:
A - The reforged object
B - The minecraft object
C - The data being stored in this requirement
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbilityRequirement, AbstractBooleanPokemonRequirement, AbstractBooleanRequirement, AbstractBooleanStatueRequirement, AbstractCardRequirement, AbstractIntegerPokemonRequirement, AbstractIntegerRequirement, AbstractIntegerStatueRequirement, AbstractPokemonRequirement, AbstractRecursivePokemonRequirement, AbstractRecursiveRequirement, AbstractRecursiveStatueRequirement, AbstractRequirement, AbstractStatueRequirement, AbstractStringPokemonRequirement, AbstractStringRequirement, AbstractStringStatueRequirement, AIRequirement, AnimatedRequirement, AnimationFrameRequirement, AnimationTypeRequirement, BlackAndWhiteShaderRequirement, BlackAndWhiteShaderRequirement, BossRequirement, BoundingBoxModeRequirement, CanMegaEvolveRequirement, CanMoveRequirement, CelShaderRequirement, CelShaderRequirement, CloneRequirement, CompatibleMoveRequirement, CrownedRequirement, CrownedRequirement, EggGroupRequirement, EggGroupRequirement, EggRequirement, EVsModifyRequirement, EVsRequirement, ExpRequirement, FormRequirement, FormRequirement, FriendshipRequirement, GenderRequirement, GenderRequirement, GenerationRequirement, GenerationRequirement, GenericBuiltPokemonRequirement, GigantamaxFactorRequirement, GrowthRequirement, GrowthRequirement, GrowthStageRequirement, GrowthStageRequirement, HasSpecFlagRequirement, HasSpecFlagRequirement, HeldItemRequirement, HiddenAbilityRequirement, IsBossRequirement, IVsModifyRequirement, IVsRequirement, LakeTrioRequirement, LakeTrioRequirement, LegendaryRequirement, LegendaryRequirement, LevelRequirement, LogicalAndRequirement, LogicalAndRequirement, LogicalNOTRequirement, LogicalNOTRequirement, LogicalOrRequirement, LogicalOrRequirement, MaximumFriendshipRequirement, MaximumLevelRequirement, MinimumFriendshipRequirement, MinimumLevelRequirement, MoveRequirement, NatureRequirement, NicknameRequirement, NicknameRequirement, NoDropsRequirement, NuggetsFedRequirement, OriginalTrainerNameRequirement, PaletteRequirement, PaletteRequirement, PokeBallRequirement, PokerusRequirement, PositionRequirement, PositionRequirement, PrimalEvolutionRequirement, PrimalEvolutionRequirement, RainbowShaderRequirement, RainbowShaderRequirement, RandomSpeciesRequirement, RandomSpeciesRequirement, RarityRequirement, ResetEVsRequirement, ResetIVsRequirement, RibbonRequirement, ShaderRequirement, ShaderRequirement, ShinyRequirement, ShinyRequirement, ShornRequirement, SpeciesRequirement, SpeciesRequirement, StatsModifyRequirement, StatsRequirement, StatueTextureRequirement, StatusRequirement, TypeRequirement, TypeRequirement, UltraBeastRequirement, UltraBeastRequirement, UltraBurstRequirement, UnbattleableRequirement, UnbreedableRequirement, UncatchableRequirement, UndexableRequirement, UntradeableRequirement, WildRequirement

public interface Requirement<A,B,C>
A basic requirement for matching and creating
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Applies the parsed requirement to the data
    Applis the parsed requirement to the minecraft data
    create(String spec)
    Creates a list of requirements from the spec being parsed
    Creates a new instance of the requirement with the given value
    fits(String spec)
    Checks if the given fits for this requirement
    The aliases of the requirement that it can match against
    default int
    Gets the order priority of the requirement.
    Gets the internal value of the requirement
    If the data type matches the parsed requirement
    If the minecraft type matches the parsed requirement
    default boolean
    If the spec should continue processing the results after applying this requirement.
  • Method Details

    • getPriority

      default int getPriority()
      Gets the order priority of the requirement. Higher number = higher priority (i.e. it is applied first)
      The priority
    • shouldContinue

      default boolean shouldContinue()
      If the spec should continue processing the results after applying this requirement.
      For example, for a logical AND this would return false as it handles the processing of the remaining requirements
      True if it should continue processing
    • getAliases

      List<String> getAliases()
      The aliases of the requirement that it can match against
      The aliases
    • fits

      boolean fits(String spec)
      Checks if the given fits for this requirement
      spec - The parsed spec
      True if this requirement is found in the parameter
    • create

      ParseAttempt<List<Requirement<A,B,?>>> create(String spec)
      Creates a list of requirements from the spec being parsed
      spec - The spec being parsed
      The new list of requirements
    • createInstance

      ParseAttempt<Requirement<A,B,C>> createInstance(C value)
      Creates a new instance of the requirement with the given value
      value - The value
      The new requirement instance
    • isDataMatch

      boolean isDataMatch(A a)
      If the data type matches the parsed requirement
      a - The data to check against
      True if a match
    • isMinecraftMatch

      boolean isMinecraftMatch(B b)
      If the minecraft type matches the parsed requirement
      b - The minecraft data to check against
      True if a match
    • applyData

      void applyData(A a)
      Applies the parsed requirement to the data
      a - The data
    • applyMinecraft

      void applyMinecraft(B b)
      Applis the parsed requirement to the minecraft data
      b - The minecraft data
    • getValue

      C getValue()
      Gets the internal value of the requirement
      The value stored