public interface Ability extends ITranslatable, RarityTweak
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
default float |
adjustCriticalHitChance(PixelmonWrapper pokemon,
PixelmonWrapper target,
Attack a,
float critChance)
Triggers at the last moment before a critical hit is rolled.
default boolean |
allowsIncomingAttack(PixelmonWrapper pokemon,
PixelmonWrapper user,
Attack a)
Determines whether an incoming attack can hit the Pokémon
default void |
allowsIncomingAttackMessage(PixelmonWrapper pokemon,
PixelmonWrapper user,
Attack a)
Sends a battle message when the Pokémon's Ability nullifies an attack.
default boolean |
allowsIncomingAttackTeammate(PixelmonWrapper pokemon,
PixelmonWrapper target,
PixelmonWrapper user,
Attack a)
Determines whether an incoming attack can hit a teammate Pokémon
default boolean |
allowsOutgoingAttack(PixelmonWrapper user,
PixelmonWrapper target,
Attack a)
Determines whether an outgoing attack can hit the target.
default boolean |
allowsStatChange(PixelmonWrapper pokemon,
PixelmonWrapper user,
StatsEffect e)
Whether the Pokémon Ability allows a stat to be modified.
default boolean |
allowsStatChangeTeammate(PixelmonWrapper pokemon,
PixelmonWrapper target,
PixelmonWrapper user,
StatsEffect e)
Whether a teammate's Ability allows a stat to be modified.
default boolean |
allowsStatus(StatusType status,
PixelmonWrapper pokemon,
PixelmonWrapper user)
Fires when a status attempts to apply.
default boolean |
allowsStatusOpponent(StatusType status,
PixelmonWrapper pokemon,
PixelmonWrapper target,
PixelmonWrapper user)
Fires for all opponents when a status attempts to be applied.
default boolean |
allowsStatusTeammate(StatusType status,
PixelmonWrapper pokemon,
PixelmonWrapper target,
PixelmonWrapper user)
Fires for all teammates when a status attempts to be applied.
default boolean |
alwaysConsideredDamaged(PixelmonWrapper pw)
Whether the Pokémon with this ability should always be considered as hurt for moves such as Recover.
default void |
applyAllySwitchInEffect(PixelmonWrapper user,
PixelmonWrapper target)
Triggers after an allied Pokémon switches in.
default void |
applyDynamaxEffect(PixelmonWrapper pokemon)
Triggers when the Pokémon Dynamaxes.
default void |
applyEffectOnContactTarget(PixelmonWrapper user,
PixelmonWrapper target)
Triggers when another Pokémon makes contact with this Pokémon.
default void |
applyEffectOnContactTargetLate(PixelmonWrapper user,
PixelmonWrapper target)
Triggers when another Pokémon makes contact with this Pokémon.
default void |
applyEffectOnContactUser(PixelmonWrapper user,
PixelmonWrapper target)
Triggers when the Pokémon makes contact.
default void |
applyEffectOnStatModified(PixelmonWrapper pokemon,
PixelmonWrapper affected)
Triggers when the holder's stats are modified.
default void |
applyEndOfBattleEffect(PixelmonWrapper pokemon)
Triggers at the end of the battle.
default void |
applyFoeSwitchInEffect(PixelmonWrapper user,
PixelmonWrapper target)
Triggers after an enemy Pokémon switches in.
default void |
applyPostSwitchEffect(PixelmonWrapper newPokemon)
Triggers after all the Pokémon switch in at the start of turn.
default void |
applyRepeatedEffect(PixelmonWrapper pokemon)
Fires at the end of the turn.
default void |
applyRepeatedEffectAfterStatus(PixelmonWrapper pokemon)
Triggers at the end of every turn after residual status damage has been applied.
default void |
applyStartOfBattleEffect(PixelmonWrapper user)
Triggers at the start of the battle.
default void |
applyStartOfBattleHeadOfPartyEffect(PixelmonWrapper user,
PixelmonWrapper target)
Triggers at the start of the battle, if the ability is at the head of the party.
default void |
applySwitchInEffect(PixelmonWrapper newPokemon)
Triggers after the Pokémon switches in and when the Pokémon gains an Ability.
default void |
applySwitchOutEffect(PixelmonWrapper oldPokemon)
Triggers when the Pokémon switches out.
default void |
applySwitchReplaceEffect(PixelmonWrapper newPokemon,
PixelmonWrapper oldPokemon)
Triggers after an Pokémon switches in.
default void |
beforeSwitch(PixelmonWrapper newPokemon)
Triggers just before the Pokémon switches in.
default boolean |
canAttackThisTurn(PixelmonWrapper user,
Attack a)
Checks if the Pokémon's Ability allows it to make a move.
default boolean |
Returns whether the ability prevents anything that can copy this ability, including transform effects etc.
default boolean |
Returns whether the ability can be disabled by external effects eg.
default boolean |
Returns whether the ability can be bypassed by moves that ignore abilities or not.
default boolean |
Returns whether the ability blocks use of Perish-type effects, eg Perish Song, Destiny Bond, Perish Body.
default boolean |
doesAttackUserIgnoreProtect(PixelmonWrapper pokemon,
PixelmonWrapper target,
Attack a)
Determines whether this ability makes this attack pierces protection moves.
default boolean |
doesContactAttackMakeContact(PixelmonWrapper user,
Attack a)
Whether this contact move will continue to make contact.
default java.util.List<Element> |
getEffectiveTypes(PixelmonWrapper user,
PixelmonWrapper target)
Returns the types that will be used in calculating the Pokémon's attack's type effectiveness.
default float |
getMultiplier(AbstractSpawner spawner,
SpawnInfo spawnInfo,
float sum,
float rarity) |
java.lang.String |
Returns the Ability's class name.
Ability |
Returns a new instance of the Ability class.
default boolean |
ignoreEvasion(PixelmonWrapper pw,
PixelmonWrapper target)
Whether the Pokémon with this ability should ignore evasion of the target.
default boolean |
Determines whether the Ability ignores weather.
default boolean |
isAbility(java.lang.Class<? extends AbstractAbility>... abilities)
Checks if the Ability is one of an array of Abilities.
default boolean |
isAbility(java.lang.Class<? extends AbstractAbility> ability)
Checks if this ability is the one passed in.
default boolean |
isAbility(java.util.Optional<Ability>... abilities) |
default boolean |
Checks if the Ability has only negative effects.
default int |
modifyDamage(int damage,
PixelmonWrapper user,
PixelmonWrapper target,
DamageTypeEnum type,
Attack attack,
Ability ability)
Triggers when the Pokémon takes damage, from any source.
default int |
modifyDamageIncludeFixed(int damage,
PixelmonWrapper user,
PixelmonWrapper target,
Attack a)
Triggers when the Pokémon takes direct damage, including fixed damage moves.
default int |
modifyDamageTarget(int damage,
PixelmonWrapper user,
PixelmonWrapper target,
Attack a)
Triggers when the Pokémon takes direct damage.
default int |
modifyDamageTeammate(int damage,
PixelmonWrapper user,
PixelmonWrapper target,
Attack a)
Triggers when the Pokémon's ally takes direct damage.
default int |
modifyDamageUser(int damage,
PixelmonWrapper user,
PixelmonWrapper target,
Attack a)
Triggers when the Pokémon deals direct damage.
default int[] |
modifyPowerAndAccuracyTarget(int power,
int accuracy,
PixelmonWrapper user,
PixelmonWrapper target,
Attack a)
Modifies the power and accuracy of the attack about to hit the Pokémon.
default int[] |
modifyPowerAndAccuracyTeammate(int power,
int accuracy,
PixelmonWrapper user,
PixelmonWrapper target,
Attack a)
Modifies the power and accuracy of a teammate's attack.
default int[] |
modifyPowerAndAccuracyUser(int power,
int accuracy,
PixelmonWrapper user,
PixelmonWrapper target,
Attack a)
Modifies the power and accuracy of the Pokémon's attack.
default float |
modifyPriority(PixelmonWrapper pokemon,
float priority,
MutableBoolean triggered)
Modifies the Pokémon's attack's priority.
default int |
modifySelfDamage(int damage,
PixelmonWrapper pw,
Attack a)
Triggers when the Pokémon takes self damage.
default double |
modifyStab(double stab)
Modifies the STAB multiplier.
default int[] |
modifyStats(PixelmonWrapper user,
int[] stats)
Modifies the Pokémon's stats at the beginning of a battle turn.
default int[] |
modifyStatsCancellable(PixelmonWrapper user,
int[] stats)
Modifies the Pokémon's stats at the beginning of a battle turn.
default int[] |
modifyStatsCancellableOther(PixelmonWrapper user,
PixelmonWrapper target,
int[] stats)
Modifies other Pokémon's stats at the beginning of a battle turn.
default int[] |
modifyStatsCancellableTeammate(PixelmonWrapper pokemon,
int[] stats)
Modifies an allied Pokémon's stats at the beginning of a battle turn.
default int[] |
modifyStatsOther(PixelmonWrapper pokemon,
int[] stats)
Modifies other Pokémon's stats at the beginning of a battle turn.
default int[] |
modifyStatsTeammate(PixelmonWrapper pokemon,
int[] stats)
Modifies an allied Pokémon's stats at the beginning of a battle turn.
default Element |
modifyType(PixelmonWrapper pw,
Attack attack)
Modifies an attack's typing.
default float |
modifyWeight(float initWeight)
Modifies the Pokémon's weight.
default boolean |
Checks if a new instance of the Ability needs to be initialized if a Pokémon receives it in battle.
default void |
onAbilityLost(PixelmonWrapper pokemon)
Triggers just before the Pokémon loses an Ability in battle.
default void |
onAllyFaint(PixelmonWrapper pokemon,
PixelmonWrapper fainted,
PixelmonWrapper source)
Triggers right after an allied Pokémon faints.
default void |
onBerryEaten(PixelmonWrapper pokemon,
PixelmonWrapper consumer,
HeldItem heldItem)
Triggers when a berry is eaten.
default void |
onDamageReceived(PixelmonWrapper user,
PixelmonWrapper pokemon,
Attack a,
int damage,
DamageTypeEnum damagetype) |
default void |
onFoeFaint(PixelmonWrapper pokemon,
PixelmonWrapper fainted,
PixelmonWrapper source)
Triggers right after a foe faints.
default int |
onHealed(PixelmonWrapper pw,
int heal)
Fired whenever a Pokémon is about to be healed.
default void |
onItemChanged(PixelmonWrapper pw,
HeldItem newItem) |
default void |
onItemConsumed(PixelmonWrapper pokemon,
PixelmonWrapper consumer,
HeldItem heldItem)
Triggers when a held item is consumed.
default void |
onSelfFaint(PixelmonWrapper pokemon,
PixelmonWrapper source)
Triggers right after an allied Pokémon faints.
default void |
onStatDecrease(PixelmonWrapper pokemon,
PixelmonWrapper affected,
int amount,
BattleStatsType stat)
Triggers when one of the holder's stats are decreased.
default void |
onStatIncrease(PixelmonWrapper pokemon,
PixelmonWrapper affected,
int amount,
BattleStatsType stat)
Triggers when one of the holder's stats are increased.
default void |
onStatusAdded(StatusBase status,
PixelmonWrapper user,
PixelmonWrapper opponent)
Triggers when the Pokémon acquires a status.
default void |
onTerrainSwitch(BattleController bc,
PixelmonWrapper user,
Terrain terrain)
Triggers when the terrain is changed in battle.
default void |
onWeatherChange(PixelmonWrapper pw,
Weather weather)
Triggers when the weather changes.
default void |
postProcessAttack(PixelmonWrapper pokemon,
PixelmonWrapper user,
Attack a)
Triggers after the Pokémon is attacked.
default void |
postProcessAttackOther(PixelmonWrapper pokemon,
PixelmonWrapper user,
PixelmonWrapper target,
Attack a)
Triggers after any Pokémon attacks.
default void |
postProcessAttackUser(PixelmonWrapper pokemon,
PixelmonWrapper target,
Attack a)
Triggers after the Pokémon attacks.
default void |
postProcessAttackUserHitOrMiss(PixelmonWrapper pokemon,
PixelmonWrapper target,
Attack a)
Triggers after the Pokémon attacks, no matter if the Pokémon hits or misses.
default void |
preProcessAttack(PixelmonWrapper pokemon,
PixelmonWrapper user,
Attack a)
Triggers before the Pokémon is attacked.
default double |
preProcessAttackStatBeforeDamageCalc(PixelmonWrapper attacker,
double attackStat)
Triggers when another Pokémon is attacking this Pokémon, the attack will hit, and the attack is not charging.
default void |
preProcessAttackUser(PixelmonWrapper pokemon,
PixelmonWrapper target,
Attack a)
Triggers before the Pokémon attacks.
default boolean |
preventsCriticalHits(PixelmonWrapper opponent)
Fires in query of whether the Pokémon is protected from critical hits.
default boolean |
redirectAttack(PixelmonWrapper user,
PixelmonWrapper targetAlly,
Attack attack)
Determines whether the Pokémon's Ability causes an incoming attack to be redirected.
default void |
sendActivatedMessage(PixelmonWrapper pw)
Sends a message indicating that the Ability was activated.
default void |
startMove(PixelmonWrapper user)
Affects the Pokémon at the start of using a move.
default boolean |
stopsForcedSwitches(PixelmonWrapper user,
PixelmonWrapper cause)
Determines whether the Pokémon's Ability prevents another Pokémon from switching them.
default boolean |
stopsSwitching(PixelmonWrapper user,
PixelmonWrapper opponent)
Determines whether the Pokemon's Ability traps another Pokémon.
default void |
tookDamageTarget(int damage,
PixelmonWrapper user,
PixelmonWrapper target,
Attack a)
Triggers after the Pokémon takes damage.
default void |
tookDamageTargetAfterMove(PixelmonWrapper user,
PixelmonWrapper target,
Attack a,
float damage)
Triggers at the end of an attack (after all hits of a multi-hit move) if the user takes damage.
default void |
tookDamageUser(int damage,
PixelmonWrapper user,
PixelmonWrapper target,
Attack a)
Triggers after the Pokémon deals damage.
getLocalizedName, getTranslatedName, getTranslationKey
java.lang.String getName()
default void startMove(PixelmonWrapper user)
- The Pokémon with the Ability.default boolean canAttackThisTurn(PixelmonWrapper user, Attack a)
- The Pokémon with the Ability.a
- The move to be used.default int modifyDamageUser(int damage, PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper target, Attack a)
- The amount of damage dealt.user
- The attack's
- The attack's target.a
- The attack.default int modifyDamageTarget(int damage, PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper target, Attack a)
- The amount of damage dealt.user
- The attack's
- The attack's target.a
- The attack.default int modifyDamageIncludeFixed(int damage, PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper target, Attack a)
- The amount of damage dealt.user
- The attack's
- The attack's target.a
- The attack.default int modifySelfDamage(int damage, PixelmonWrapper pw, Attack a)
- The amount of damage
- The Pokémon taking damage.a
- The attack.default int modifyDamage(int damage, PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper target, DamageTypeEnum type, @Nullable Attack attack, @Nullable Ability ability)
- The amount of damage dealt.user
- The attack's
- The attack's target.type
- The damage type.attack
- The attack used by the source Pokémon, if present.ability
- The ability of the source Pokémon.default int modifyDamageTeammate(int damage, PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper target, Attack a)
- The amount of damage dealt.user
- The attack's
- The attack's target.a
- The attack.default void tookDamageUser(int damage, PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper target, Attack a)
- The amount of damage dealt.user
- The attack's
- The attack's target.a
- The attack.default void tookDamageTarget(int damage, PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper target, Attack a)
- The amount of damage dealt.user
- The attack's
- The attack's target.a
- The attack.default void tookDamageTargetAfterMove(PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper target, Attack a, float damage)
- The attack's
- The attack's target.a
- The attack.default int[] modifyPowerAndAccuracyUser(int power, int accuracy, PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper target, Attack a)
- The attack's power.accuracy
- The attack's accuracy.user
- The attack's
- The attack's target.a
- The attack.default int[] modifyPowerAndAccuracyTarget(int power, int accuracy, PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper target, Attack a)
- The attack's power.accuracy
- The attack's accuracy.user
- The attack's
- The attack's target.a
- The attack.default int[] modifyPowerAndAccuracyTeammate(int power, int accuracy, PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper target, Attack a)
- The attack's power.accuracy
- The attack's accuracy.user
- The attack's
- The attack's target.a
- The attack.default void beforeSwitch(PixelmonWrapper newPokemon)
- The Pokémon switching in.default void applySwitchInEffect(PixelmonWrapper newPokemon)
- The Pokémon switching in.default void applyPostSwitchEffect(PixelmonWrapper newPokemon)
- The Pokémon switching in.default void applySwitchOutEffect(PixelmonWrapper oldPokemon)
- The Pokémon switching out.default void applyFoeSwitchInEffect(PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper target)
default void applyAllySwitchInEffect(PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper target)
- The Pokémon with the
- The allied Pokémon switching in.default void applySwitchReplaceEffect(PixelmonWrapper newPokemon, PixelmonWrapper oldPokemon)
- The Pokémon with the ability switching in.oldPokemon
- The Pokémon switching out.default void applyDynamaxEffect(PixelmonWrapper pokemon)
- The Pokémon Dynamaxing.default void applyEndOfBattleEffect(PixelmonWrapper pokemon)
- The Pokémon in battle at the battle's end.default boolean doesContactAttackMakeContact(PixelmonWrapper user, Attack a)
- - The user of the movea
- - The attack being useddefault void applyStartOfBattleHeadOfPartyEffect(PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper target)
- The ability
- The opposing Pokémon.default void applyStartOfBattleEffect(PixelmonWrapper user)
- The ability
- The opposing Pokémon.default void applyEffectOnContactUser(PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper target)
- The attack's
- The attack's target.default void applyEffectOnContactTarget(PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper target)
- The attack's
- The attack's target.default void applyEffectOnContactTargetLate(PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper target)
- The attack's
- The attack's target.default void onStatIncrease(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, PixelmonWrapper affected, int amount, BattleStatsType stat)
- The Pokémon whose ability it is.affected
- The Pokémon whose stat was increased.amount
- The size of the increase.stat
- The stat that was increased.default void onStatDecrease(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, PixelmonWrapper affected, int amount, BattleStatsType stat)
- The Pokémon whose ability it is.affected
- The Pokémon whose stat was decreased.amount
- The size of the decrease.stat
- The stat that was decreased.default void applyEffectOnStatModified(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, PixelmonWrapper affected)
- The Pokémon whose ability it is.affected
- The Pokémon whose stats were just modified.default double preProcessAttackStatBeforeDamageCalc(PixelmonWrapper attacker, double attackStat)
- The Pokémon that is attacking.attackStat
- The attacker's attack value.default int[] modifyStats(PixelmonWrapper user, int[] stats)
- The Pokémon.stats
- The Pokémon's stats.default int[] modifyStatsTeammate(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, int[] stats)
- The Pokémon to be modified.stats
- The Pokémon's stats.default int[] modifyStatsOther(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, int[] stats)
- The Pokémon to be modified.stats
- The Pokémon's stats.default int[] modifyStatsCancellable(PixelmonWrapper user, int[] stats)
- The Pokémon.stats
- The Pokémon's stats.default int[] modifyStatsCancellableTeammate(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, int[] stats)
- The Pokémon to be modified.stats
- The Pokémon's stats.default int[] modifyStatsCancellableOther(PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper target, int[] stats)
- The Pokémon modifying the
- The Pokémon to be modified.stats
- The Pokémon's stats.default void applyRepeatedEffect(PixelmonWrapper pokemon)
- The Pokémon with the Ability.default void applyRepeatedEffectAfterStatus(PixelmonWrapper pokemon)
- The Pokémon with the Ability.default boolean allowsStatChange(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, PixelmonWrapper user, StatsEffect e)
- The Pokémon with the Ability.user
- The attack's user.e
- The stat modifier.default boolean allowsStatChangeTeammate(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, PixelmonWrapper target, PixelmonWrapper user, StatsEffect e)
- The Pokémon with the
- The Pokémon whose stat is to be lowered.user
- The attack's user.e
- The stat modifier.default boolean allowsOutgoingAttack(PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper target, Attack a)
- - The user of the move and the Pokémon with the abilitytarget
- - The target of this Pokémon's attack.a
- - The attackdefault boolean allowsIncomingAttack(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, PixelmonWrapper user, Attack a)
- The Pokémon with the Ability.user
- The attack's user.a
- The attack.default boolean allowsIncomingAttackTeammate(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, PixelmonWrapper target, PixelmonWrapper user, Attack a)
- The Pokémon with the
- The teammate being targeted.user
- The attack's user.a
- The attack.default void allowsIncomingAttackMessage(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, PixelmonWrapper user, Attack a)
- The Pokémon with the Ability.user
- The attack's user.a
- The attack.default void preProcessAttack(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, PixelmonWrapper user, Attack a)
- The Pokémon with the Ability.user
- The attack's user.a
- The attack.default void preProcessAttackUser(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, PixelmonWrapper target, Attack a)
- The Pokémon with the
- The attack's target.a
- The attack.default void postProcessAttackUser(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, PixelmonWrapper target, Attack a)
- The Pokémon with the
- The attack's target.a
- The attack.default void postProcessAttack(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, PixelmonWrapper user, Attack a)
- The Pokémon with the Ability.user
- The attack's user.a
- The attack.default void postProcessAttackOther(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper target, Attack a)
- The Pokémon with the Ability.user
- The Pokémon
- The attack's target.a
- The attack.default void postProcessAttackUserHitOrMiss(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, PixelmonWrapper target, Attack a)
- The Pokémon with the
- The attack's target.a
- The attack.default boolean doesAttackUserIgnoreProtect(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, PixelmonWrapper target, Attack a)
- The Pokémon with the
- The attack's target.a
- The attack.default float adjustCriticalHitChance(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, PixelmonWrapper target, Attack a, float critChance)
- The Pokémon with the abilitytarget
- The target of the attacka
- The attack being usedcritChance
- The critical hit chance, as a number between 0-1default boolean preventsCriticalHits(PixelmonWrapper opponent)
default boolean allowsStatus(StatusType status, PixelmonWrapper pokemon, PixelmonWrapper user)
- StatusType.[whatever status] == status is the condition of the if statement.pokemon
- The victim.user
- The user.default boolean allowsStatusTeammate(StatusType status, PixelmonWrapper pokemon, PixelmonWrapper target, PixelmonWrapper user)
- The status being afflicted.pokemon
- The Pokémon with the
- The Pokémon who is being afflicted with the status.user
- The Pokémon inflicting the status.default boolean allowsStatusOpponent(StatusType status, PixelmonWrapper pokemon, PixelmonWrapper target, PixelmonWrapper user)
- The status being afflicted.pokemon
- The Pokémon with the
- The Pokémon who is being afflicted with the status.user
- The Pokémon inflicting the status.default double modifyStab(double stab)
- The STAB multiplier.default Element modifyType(PixelmonWrapper pw, Attack attack)
- The Pokémon with the ability, who is using a move.attack
- The attack used.default float modifyPriority(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, float priority, MutableBoolean triggered)
- The attack's user.priority
- The attack's priority.triggered
- Mutable boolean object of whether this was activated or not.default boolean stopsSwitching(PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper opponent)
- The Pokémon with the Ability.opponent
- The Pokémon affected by the Ability.default boolean stopsForcedSwitches(PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper cause)
- The Pokémon with the Ability.cause
- The Pokémon triggering the switch.default float modifyWeight(float initWeight)
- The Pokémon's weight.default java.util.List<Element> getEffectiveTypes(PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper target)
- The attack's
- The attack's target.default void onStatusAdded(StatusBase status, PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper opponent)
- The status that was added.user
- The statused Pokémon.opponent
- The Pokémon who caused the status.default void onDamageReceived(PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper pokemon, Attack a, int damage, DamageTypeEnum damagetype)
default boolean ignoreWeather()
default boolean redirectAttack(PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper targetAlly, Attack attack)
- The Pokémon using the attack.targetAlly
- The Pokémon with the Ability.attack
- The attack.default void onItemConsumed(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, PixelmonWrapper consumer, HeldItem heldItem)
- The Pokémon with the Ability.consumer
- The Pokémon who consumed the held item.heldItem
- The consumed held item.default void onBerryEaten(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, PixelmonWrapper consumer, HeldItem heldItem)
- The Pokémon with the Ability.consumer
- The Pokémon who consumed the berry.heldItem
- The consumed held item.default void onAbilityLost(PixelmonWrapper pokemon)
- The Pokémon with the Ability.default void onAllyFaint(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, PixelmonWrapper fainted, PixelmonWrapper source)
- - The Pokémon with the ability. Not the one fainting.fainted
- - The ally Pokémon that fainted.source
- - The ultimate cause of the fainting. Self inflicted or global causes give the fainted as the source.default void onSelfFaint(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, PixelmonWrapper source)
- - The Pokémon with the ability.source
- - The ultimate cause of the fainting. Self inflicted or global causes give the fainted as the source.default void onFoeFaint(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, PixelmonWrapper fainted, PixelmonWrapper source)
- - The Pokémon with the ability. Not the one fainting.fainted
- - The opponent Pokémon that fainted.source
- - The ultimate cause of the fainting. Self inflicted or global causes give the fainted as the source.default boolean needNewInstance()
default boolean isNegativeAbility()
default void onWeatherChange(PixelmonWrapper pw, Weather weather)
- The Pokémon to affect with the weather
- The new weather.default void onTerrainSwitch(BattleController bc, PixelmonWrapper user, Terrain terrain)
- The battle controller.user
- The Pokémon whose holding this item.terrain
- The terrain being switched in.default boolean canBeIgnored()
default boolean canBeCopied()
default boolean canBeDisabled()
default boolean canPerish()
default boolean isAbility(java.lang.Class<? extends AbstractAbility> ability)
- The ability to compare against.default boolean isAbility(java.lang.Class<? extends AbstractAbility>... abilities)
- The Abilities to compare against.default boolean isAbility(java.util.Optional<Ability>... abilities)
Ability getNewInstance()
default void sendActivatedMessage(PixelmonWrapper pw)
- The Pokémon with the Ability.default void onItemChanged(PixelmonWrapper pw, HeldItem newItem)
default float getMultiplier(AbstractSpawner spawner, SpawnInfo spawnInfo, float sum, float rarity)
in interface RarityTweak
default int onHealed(PixelmonWrapper pw, int heal)
- The Pokémon being healed.heal
- The heal amount.default boolean alwaysConsideredDamaged(PixelmonWrapper pw)
- The Pokémon being considered.default boolean ignoreEvasion(PixelmonWrapper pw, PixelmonWrapper target)
- The Pokémon with the ability.