ClassesClassDescriptionEvent fired when a wild Pokémon attempts to attack a player.Superclass event for all apricorn related actions.
subclass event which fires when an apricorn is being picked by a player.Fired when a wild Pokémon is defeated by a playerSuperclass event for all berry related actions.BerryEvent
subclass event which fires when an berry is being picked by a player.Superclass event for actions related to the Camera.Event that fires when an camera film is about to be consumed.Event that fires when an attempt at taking a photo is about to fail because the player already has done so for that Pokémon.Event that fires when a photo is about to be taken.Superclass for capture related events.Event fired when a regular (non-raid) capture attempt fails to succeed.Event fired when a raid capture attempt fails to succeed.Event fired when a regular (non-raid) capture attempt is about to start.Event fired when a raid capture attempt is about to start.Event fired when a regular (non-raid) capture attempt is about to succeed, after passing all the required checks.Event fired when a raid capture attempt is about to succeed, after passing all the required checks.Event is fired when a cooking pot finishes.Event fired when a Pokémon drops its items after a battle.Event fires whenever a Dynamax Candy is attempted to be used on a Pokémon.Event fired when a Pokémon Dynamaxes or Gigantamaxes.Fires when a Pokémon in a player's party hatches from an egg Note: None of the sub-classes are cancellableFired after the hatch is done (and message is sent)Fired before the egg is going to hatch Using this event you can change the message sent to the playerEvent fired when a Pixelmon elevator block is used in either directionFired after the player has been teleportedFired before the player is teleported Cancelling this event will stop the player from being teleportedThe event representing when a Pokémon evolves at any point in time Cancelling the event will prevent the mega evolution from going throughRepresents all evolve causesEvent fired after all the evolution logic is complete, the entity has been spawned (if not already in the world) and the species/form updated This event is not cancellableThe event fired before the evolution checks are completed and before any evolution logic is done Cancelling this will prevent any evolution from occurringFired when experience is gained.Superclass event for all Pixelmon fishing rod events.Superclass event for actions related to the Fossil CleanerEvent that is triggered when a player wants to collect a clean fossil from the machine.Event fires when a player puts a fossil in the machine.Superclass event for actions related to the Fossil MachineEvent fires when a player puts a fossil on the machine.Event fires when a player puts a pokeball on the machine.Event fires when a player remove fossils from the machine.Event fires when a player remove a pokeball of the machine.All sort of events regarding the healer.Fires on the server but is sent by the client once the healer finishes to heal the party.Fires on the server before the healer starts the process, can be cancelled.Event fired whenever a Pokémon's held item is changed.Event fired after a Pokémon's held item is changed.Cancelable event fired before a Pokémon's held item is changed.Event fired when the server is notified of one of Pixelmon's registered keys being pressed.Event fired when someone uses one of Ras' lens on a Pokémon.Event relating to when a Pokemon is leveling upFired just after the pokemon's level changes Cannot be cancelledFired just before the level up occurs Cancelling will prevent the pokemon's level from increasing, and any subsequent changes that'd have happened after (i.e.Fired when a wild Pokémon defeats a playerA class containing all the events pertaining to theMailItem
The event called when the text on a mail is editedFired after the text has been updatedFired just before the item is updated with the new text Cancelling this will mean the text is not updatedEvent fired when a player interacts with the mail item and opens it to read (or edit) itFired after the player opens the screenFired before the open screen packet is sent Cancelling will stop the player from opening the screenEvent fired when a player seals mailFired just after the mail has been sealed This is not cancelableFired just before the mail is sealed Cancelling this will prevent it from being sealed (but not stop it from being edited)Event fires whenever a Max Soup is attempted to be used on a Pokémon.The event representing when a Pokemon mega evolves into their Mega Form either from an external move (move skills) or during a battle Cancelling the event will prevent the mega evolution from going throughFired when the battle mega evolution is about to happen Cancelling will prevent the mega evolutionFired when the move skill mega evolution is about to happen Cancelling will prevent the mega evolutionFired after all the mega evolution logic is complete This is not cancellableFired just before the mega evolution logic occursThese events are fired when the player's entire party gets wiped and they are about to be respawned at their last spawn point.Cancel this event to stop the player being sent to the fainted screen and thus being respawned at their last spawn point.Fired after passive healing has been applied to a Pokemon.Fired when passive healing is doing random checks to see what it should heal.Fires when a Pokémon finds an item with Pickup.Fires when a player earns a Pixelmon advancementFired when a battle is started by a block, for example seaweed, tall grass, rock smashing, etc.Fires when a battle MIGHT be started as a result of a block such as seaweed, tall grass, rock smash, etc.Fires when a Pokémon is deleted or otherwise lost.Fires every time a Pokémon faints Called during battle, or when the Pokémon's health is set to a value less than 0!Fired after the poke has faintedFired before the fainting occurs Cancelling this will prevent the health going <= 0Fires every time a Pokémon is knocked outFires when a trade is completing.Canceling this event will prevent the Pokemon from being exchangedEvent fired specifically when update() is started and finished on EntityPixelmon.Fires whenever a legendary bird shrine is activated Canceling this event will prevent the shrine from activatingThe superclass for all graphical effects related to Pokéballs.Event fired before the particles on a Pokémon breaking from a Pokéball.Event fired upon Pokéball close at the beginning of capturing a Pokémon, prior to the effect.Event fired upon successful capture of a Pokémon, prior to the effect.This event is fired when a Poke Ball collides with something.Fired when a new Pokémon is being added to the Pokédex as seen or caught.Class used for storing constants relating to the cause of thePokedexEvent
Fired after the player's pokedex is updatedEvent fired just before the player's pokedex is updated Cancelling will mean the pokemon doesn't get modified in their pokedexEvent fired when a /pokegift is attempted.Superclass event for actions related to Poke Loot.Event that fires when a Poke Loot is attempted to be claimed.Event that fires when loot is given from a Poke Loot.Event that fires when a Poke Loot in the process of being claimed chooses its drops.This event is fired when a Pokemon is given to a playerAll constants relating to the receive eventThis event is fired when a LivingEntity retrieves the entity of their Pokémon (that they already own, not a newly caught Pokémon) from the world.All constants relating to the retrieve eventEvent fired after the Pokémon entity has been removed from the world.Event fired before the Pokémon entity has been removed from the world.Fires around the Pokemon send out logic from the player's key pressEvent fired after the pokemon has been sent out by the playerEvent fired before the pokemon is sent out by the player Cancelling this will prevent the pokemon entity from appearing in the worldAll sort of events regarding the Pokémon's Pokérus status.Fires on the server when a reasonable amount of time has passed and the Pokérus is cured.Fires on the server when the Pokérus spreads from an opponent or from a party member to another.Fires on the server after the Pokérus has spread from an opponent or from a party member.Fires on the server before the Pokérus spreads from an opponent or from a party member.Superclass event for actions related to PokeStops.Event that fires when a PokeStop is used, and the cooldown is being checked Use shouldCheckCooldown to override if you want the cooldown check to happenPre-Calculate is used for changing the amount of time a pokestop goes on cooldown for the given player that used it.Event that fires when loot is given from a PokeStop.Event that fires when a PokeStop is attempted to be used.Event fires whenever a rare candy is attempted to be used on a Pokémon.Event fired whenever a player attempts to ride a Pokémon.Events fired when someone buys/sells from aShopFactory.builder()
created shop.Fired when a player buys an item from a shop.Fired when a player sells an item to a shop.Fires around the Pokémon spawning for fighting a battle.Event fired after the Pokémon entity has spawned for battle.Event fired before the Pokémon entity is spawned for battle.Superclass event for all statue related actions.Subclass event ofStatueEvent
fired whenever a chisel is used to create a statue.Subclass event ofStatueEvent
fired when a statue is attempted to be destroyedSubclass event ofStatueEvent
fired when any of theStatueEntity
properties is changed.TeleportItemEvent is called when a TeleportItem is used, namely for things like Escape Rope, and the Ultra space and Drowned world teleportersFired after the player has been teleported using an itemFired before the teleport occurs, Level, Position and if the item is consumed can be set here to modify where the item teleports the player.Fired when a Pokéball is used in battle, or thrown outside of battle.WormholeTeleportEvent is an event that fires when a player collides with a wormhole and the teleport commencesFires after a player has gone through a wormhole, cannot be cancelled