ClassesClassDescriptionFired after BonusStats have been applied to a Pokemon.Fired when BonusStats are about to be applied to a Pokemon.Collection of events fired relating to Pokémon moves in battle.Event fired after Pixelmon calculates the critical hit multiplier for this attack.Event fired after all damage calculations have taken place for an attack.Event fired after recoil damage has been taken.Event fired after Pixelmon calculates the STAB multiplier for this attack.Event fired when calculating move effectiveness.Event fired after any attack is used.This event is used for when the server is executing logic pertaining to battle items being used/collected in the bagThe event relating to when the server determines what items the server has in their inventory to then return to the client, so that they can be displayed on the screen during that turn.This event is fired after the client has been updated for this bag section.Fired just before the response packet is sent to the client Cancelling this means the client will say there is 0 use-able items in the player's inventory for this bag sectionThis event is fired when the client attempts to use an item from their bag, and it is subequently removed from their inventory and then given to the battle controller.This event is fired after the updated item has been taken from their inventory and passed to the battle controllerThis is the event fired before the item is given to the battle controller & removed from the inventory Cancelling this event will create a waiting glitch for the client(s) in the battle so if you are cancelling it make sure to update the battle controller.Common battle ending event which fires exactly once, and for all battle ending, including abnormal endings.The parent class for all battle related eventsEvent fired when battle messages are sent to an entity from a battle.This class represents the events fired when a battle begins between two sides.Fired after the battle has been registered and begun.Fired before the battle is registered and begins.Battle event fired when a Pokemon's battle stat is modified by something.Fired after the modification takes place.Fired before the modification takes place.Event fired whenever the battle's update method is calledCreated by Jay113355 on 9/5/2021.All events relating to when EVs are gained, or are about to be gained, by a Pokemon typically after winning a battle, or knocking out an opponent.These events are fired before the EVs are given to the Pokemon.Cancelling this will prevent the yields from being doubled.Cancelling this will prevent the yields from being given at all.Fired whenever a battle is about to be forcefully ended.Called when the hidden power is being calculated by a given source This cannot be cancelledThe known causesEvent fired when the AI for a
is being set.Superclass event for all spectate related events.Event representing when a player attempts to spectate a battle.Event representing when a player ceases spectating a battle.Event fired at the end of a turn in battles.Event fired when an item is about to be used in battle.