ClassesClassDescriptionSuperclass event for actions related to the Arceus legendary event.
subclass event fired for when a player adds one of the elemental plates to the Arc Chalice.ArceusEvent
subclass event fired when the Arc Chalice animation completes and the Azure Flute item is about to be spawned into the world.ArceusEvent
subclass event that fires when an Azure Flute is played near a Timespace Altar.Gen2BellEvent
Event fires whenever a bell spawn roll is about to be made.Gen2BellEvent
Event fires when a bell spawns a legendary.Fired when a player fills a Shrine Orb by knocking out a Pokémon in battle.Fired after the orb is filled.Fired just before the orb is filled.Superclass event for actions related to the Timespace Altar.TimespaceEvent
subclass event fired when a player places a Red Chain in a Timespace Altar.TimespaceEvent
subclass event fired when a player places a Timespace Orb in a Timespace Altar.Superclass event for actions related to summoning and the Timespace Altar.TimespaceEvent
subclass event fired after the animation of a Timespace Altar summoning finishes.TimespaceEvent
subclass event fired before the animation of a Timespace Altar summoning begins.TimespaceEvent
subclass event fired when a player takes a Red Chain from a Timespace Altar.TimespaceEvent
subclass event fired when a player takes a Timespace Orb from a Timespace Altar.Superclass event for actions related to the Zygarde Assembly Unit.