ClassesClassDescriptionCollection of events fired relating to interactions with Pixelmon NPCs.Event fired when a player versus NPC battle ends.Event fired when a player attempts to start a battle versus an NPC.All events relating to the npc traderEvent fired when a player is accepting a trade from the NPC TraderFired after the trade took placeFired before the trade takes place Cancelling will stop the trade for this Pokemon from the player's partyEvents fired surrounding the player opening the trade screenFired just after they open the screenFired just before they open the screen Cancelling this will prevent them from opening the screenEvents fired surrounding the client being sent what moves a tutor can teachFired after the screen is opened and packet is sentFired just before the packet is sent Cancelling this may cause some buggy behaviour Use this event for modifying the list of learnable moves that a Pokemon can learnAll events relating to the npc tutor and relearner teaching a moveCalled when the
is checking if a Pokemon can learn the move presentedEvents relating to when a player's pokemon learns a move from the move tutor or move relearnerAfter all costs are taken and move it taughtBefore any costs are taken or moves are taught Cancelling this will cancel the move being learnt