ClassesClassDescriptionFires when a spawner is built off a preset.Event fired when someone uses /checkspawns legendary.Superclass event for legendary spawning under the Better Spawner.Event fired when a
has selected which player to spawn a legendary near.Event fired when a legendary Pokémon is spawned through any implementation of the Better Spawner.This class contains all the relevant events to when a Pixelmon spawner block attempts to/successfully spawn(s) a PokemonThis is the post-pixelmon spawn event fired after the entity is spawned and after the Pokemon is created from the specification This is where you can modify the pokemon/entity that has been spawned This is not cancellableThis is the pre-pixelmon spawn event fired before the entity is spawned and before the Pokemon is created from the specification Cancelling this will prevent the entity from being spawnedEvent fired when anAbstractSpawner
attempts to perform aSpawnAction
.Event for when aSpawnLocation
has been selected in the viable location construction algorithm.