Class | Description |
AnvilBlock | |
BlockMachine | |
CloningMachineBlock |
Multiblock form of the cloning machine.
CookingPotBlock | |
ElevatorBlock |
Teleports the player to another elevator block above or below.
FanBlock | |
FossilCleanerBlock |
Used to clean covered Fossils.
FossilMachineBlock |
Revives Fossils into Pokémon.
HealerBlock | |
IlexShrineBlock | |
InfuserBlock | |
MowerBlock | |
PCBlock | |
PokemonRarity | |
ShrineBlock | |
TimespaceAltarBlock | |
TradeMachineBlock |
Used to trade Pokémon with other players.
VendingMachineBlock | |
VendingMachineShop |
Stores data about the items sold by the vending machine.
WashingMachineBlock | |
ZygardeAssemblyBlock |