public class Rainy extends Weather
Increases the power of Water-type moves by 50% and decreases the power of Fire-type moves by 50%. If extreme, will cause damage-dealing fire type moves to fail.
  • Constructor Details

    • Rainy

      public Rainy()
      Initializes heavy rain.
    • Rainy

      public Rainy(boolean extreme)
    • Rainy

      public Rainy(int turnsToGo)
      Initializes heavy rain.
      turnsToGo - Number of turns for rain to last.
    • Rainy

      public Rainy(int turnsToGo, boolean isOverworldWeather)
      Initializes heavy rain.
      turnsToGo - Number of turns for rain to last.
      isOverworldWeather - Whether this weather is created due to the current weather in the Minecraft world.
  • Method Details

    • getNewInstance

      protected Weather getNewInstance(int turns)
      Description copied from class: Weather
      Gets a new instance of the subclass.
      Specified by:
      getNewInstance in class Weather
      turns - The number of turns that the weather will last for.
      A new instance of the subclass.
    • modifyPowerAndAccuracyTarget

      public int[] modifyPowerAndAccuracyTarget(int power, int accuracy, PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper target, Attack a)
      Description copied from class: StatusBase
      Modifies the power and accuracy of the attack about to hit the statused Pokémon.
      modifyPowerAndAccuracyTarget in class StatusBase
      power - The attack's power.
      accuracy - The attack's accuracy.
      user - The attack's user.
      target - The attack's target.
      a - The attack.
      The modified power and accuracy.
    • stopsIncomingAttack

      public boolean stopsIncomingAttack(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, PixelmonWrapper user)
      Description copied from class: StatusBase
      Determines whether the status stops an attack about to hit the statused Pokémon.
      stopsIncomingAttack in class StatusBase
      pokemon - The statused Pokémon.
      user - The attack's user.
      Whether the attack is stopped.
    • countBenefits

      protected int countBenefits(PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper target)
      Description copied from class: Weather
      Counts the number of ways that the target Pokémon benefits from the weather.
      Specified by:
      countBenefits in class Weather
      user - The Pokémon using the weather move.
      target - The Pokémon to count benefits for.
      The number of ways that the target Pokémon benefits from the weather.
    • copy

      public StatusBase copy()
      Description copied from class: StatusBase
      If necessary, makes a deep copy of the status.
      copy in class StatusBase
      A deep copy of the status.