Class | Description |
DayCareEvent |
All events relating to
DayCareBlock and breeding |
DayCareEvent.HourGlassUsed | |
DayCareEvent.HourGlassUsed.Post | |
DayCareEvent.HourGlassUsed.Pre | |
DayCareEvent.PostCollect |
Event fired just after the player collects the egg (and parents) from the DayCare
This is not cancellable
DayCareEvent.PostConditionStatusUpdate |
The event fired just after the condition status response packet is sent
This is not cancellable
DayCareEvent.PostDurationCalculate |
Fired just after the duration of a day care box is set
This is not cancellable
DayCareEvent.PostEggCalculate |
This event is fired just after the response packet is sent to the client with the calculated child
This is not cancellable
DayCareEvent.PostPokemonAdd |
Event fired just after a Pokemon is added to the box
This is not cancellable
DayCareEvent.PostTimerBegin |
This event is fired just after the breeding timer begins
This is not cancellable
DayCareEvent.PreCollect |
Event fired just before the player collects the egg (and parents) from the DayCare
If cancelled nothing happens (effectively cancelling the user's UI click)
DayCareEvent.PreConditionStatusUpdate |
The event fired just before the condition status response packet is sent
Cancelling will prevent the response from happening (will look weird on the client's UI)
DayCareEvent.PreDurationCalculate |
Fired just before the duration of a day care box is set
This is not cancellable
DayCareEvent.PreEggCalculate |
This event is fired just before the response packet is sent to the client with the calculated child
Cancelling this will prevent a response (causing the event to be fired more times as the client continues to request
a response)
DayCareEvent.PrePokemonAdd |
Event fired just before a Pokemon is added to the box
Cancelling will not add the Pokemon to the box and not send a reply to the client (basically cancelling the click)
DayCareEvent.PreTimerBegin |
This event is fired just before the breeding timer begins
Cancelling this will prevent it from beginning
DayCareEvent.TimerComplete |
Event fired when a timer is complete for a box (for online players only)