public class TarShot extends StatusBase
Doubles the effectiveness of fire type moves used on the pokemon with this status
  • Constructor Details

    • TarShot

      public TarShot()
  • Method Details

    • applyEffect

      public void applyEffect(PixelmonWrapper user, PixelmonWrapper target)
      Description copied from class: EffectBase
      Causes various effects during the move.
      applyEffect in class StatusBase
      user - The move's user.
      target - The move's target.
    • modifyTypeEffectiveness

      public double modifyTypeEffectiveness(List<Element> effectiveTypes, Element moveType, double baseEffectiveness)
      Description copied from class: EffectBase
      Modifies the type effectiveness of a move.
      modifyTypeEffectiveness in class EffectBase
      effectiveTypes - The types of the Pokémon targeted by the move.
      moveType - The type of the move being used in the calculation.
      baseEffectiveness - The type effectiveness before modification.
      The new type effectiveness.