Class QuickGuard
Protects against priority moves.
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.battles.status.StatusBase
battleTurnGained, turnGained, type
Fields inherited from class com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.battles.attacks.EffectBase
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
Displays a battle message upon successfully using the move.Gets a new instance of the status.boolean
(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, PixelmonWrapper user, Attack a) void
(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, PixelmonWrapper user) Displays a battle message when the status stops an attack.void
(PixelmonWrapper pw, MoveChoice userChoice, List<MoveChoice> userChoices, List<MoveChoice> bestUserChoices, List<MoveChoice> opponentChoices, List<MoveChoice> bestOpponentChoices) Determines a weight for the move that has this effect.Methods inherited from class com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.battles.status.ProtectVariationTeam
addStatus, applyEffect, applyRepeatedEffect, canFail, isTeamStatus
Methods inherited from class com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.battles.status.ProtectVariation
applyProtectionEffect, canBeRemoved, isPenetratedByMove, modifyDamageIncludeFixed, stopsIncomingAttack
Methods inherited from class com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.battles.status.StatusBase
adjustCritStage, allowsStatChange, applyBeforeEffect, applyEffectOnSwitch, applyEndOfBattleEffect, applySwitchOutEffect, canAttackThisTurn, cantMiss, copy, getCureMessage, getCureMessageItem, getNewInstance, ignoreStatus, isImmune, isWholeTeamStatus, modifyBaseStats, modifyEffectiveTypes, modifyMoveEffectChanceTarget, modifyMoveEffectChanceUser, modifyPowerAndAccuracyTarget, modifyPowerAndAccuracyUser, modifyStats, modifyStatsCancellable, modifyWeight, onAttackEnd, onAttackUsed, onDamageReceived, onDynamaxTriggered, onEndOfAttackersTurn, onEndOfTurn, onFormChanged, redirectAttack, skipsTurn, stopsEvolution, stopsForcedSwitches, stopsIncomingAttackUser, stopsSelfStatusMove, stopsStatusChange, stopsSwitching
Methods inherited from class com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.battles.attacks.EffectBase
applyEarlyEffect, applyEffectAfterAllTargets, applyEffectAfterStatus, applyEffectHitOrMiss, applyEffectStart, applyMissEffect, canHitMultipleTargets, changeChance, checkChance, dealtDamage, dealtDamagePerHit, doesPersist, getChance, getWeightWithChance, isChance, isUser, modifyDamage, modifyPriority, modifyTargets, modifyTypeEffectiveness, modifyTypeEffectiveness, preventsRedirection, setChance
Constructor Details
public QuickGuard()Initializes Quick Guard.
Method Details
Description copied from class:ProtectVariationTeam
Gets a new instance of the status.- Specified by:
in classProtectVariationTeam
- Returns:
- A new instance of the status.
Description copied from class:ProtectVariation
Displays a battle message upon successfully using the move.- Specified by:
in classProtectVariation
- Parameters:
- The user of the move.
public boolean protectVariationBlocksAttack(PixelmonWrapper pokemon, PixelmonWrapper user, Attack a) - Overrides:
in classProtectVariation
Description copied from class:StatusBase
Displays a battle message when the status stops an attack.- Overrides:
in classStatusBase
- Parameters:
- The statused Pokémon.user
- The attack's user.
public void weightEffect(PixelmonWrapper pw, MoveChoice userChoice, List<MoveChoice> userChoices, List<MoveChoice> bestUserChoices, List<MoveChoice> opponentChoices, List<MoveChoice> bestOpponentChoices) Description copied from class:EffectBase
Determines a weight for the move that has this effect. Used for battle AI.- Overrides:
in classEffectBase
- Parameters:
- The Pokémon using the move.userChoice
- The move with this effect.userChoices
- All choices the Pokémon has for the turn.bestUserChoices
- The best offensive choices the Pokémon has for the turn.opponentChoices
- All choices the opponent has for the turn.bestOpponentChoices
- The best choices the opponent has for the turn.