Interface CheckSpawns

All Known Implementing Classes:
CurryCheckSpawns, FishingCheckSpawns, GenericTriggerCheckSpawns, LegendaryCheckSpawns, PlayerTrackingCheckSpawns, RayTraceCheckSpawns

public interface CheckSpawns
Interface for performing /checkspawns calculations.

Usual procedure for /checkspawns is as follows:

  • 1. Compose a single or a collection of SpawnLocations.</>
  • 2. Find all the possible SpawnInfos for all the SpawnLocations. </>
  • 3. Calculate the percentages for each distinct spawn by using the algorithm's getPercentages</>.
  • 4. Generate the messages using generateMessages(Map, List) and send them to the sender.</>
    • Method Details

      • getDefault

        static CheckSpawns getDefault()
      • getPermissionNode

        default String getPermissionNode()
      • checkSpawns

        void checkSpawns(AbstractSpawner spawner, net.minecraft.commands.CommandSourceStack sender, List<String> arguments)
        Executes /checkspawns directly from the command.
      • generateMessages

        default List<> generateMessages(Map<String,Double> percentages, List<String> arguments)
        Default method that takes a map of percentages and composes the series of messages displaying it to the player.