Package com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.items.heldItems
package com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.items.heldItems
ClassesClassDescriptionPrevents Ground-type moves from hitting the Pokémon.Doubles prize money if the holder enters battle.Raises Special Defense by 50% and prevents status moves from being used.Allows the user to have higher priority once when at low health.Heals the holder by 25% hp if hit by a super effective move.Restores the Pokémon's stats if they are lowered.Heals the holder by 20 hp when hp drops below 50%.Restores a move's PP by 10.Next move will have 20% extra accuracy when below 25% hp.Damages a Pokémon who attacks the user if the attack is of a certain category.Berries that restore the holder's hp.Increases a certain stat when below 25% hp.A Berry that raises a stat when hit by a certain move category.A Berry that heals a certain status on a Pokémon.Reduces a super effective move of a certain type by 50%.Heals Poison-type Pokémon by 1/16 hp every turn.Created by Jay113355 on 8/11/2020.Raises Speed by 2 stages if an attack fails an accuracy check.Lowers the accuracy of moves used against the holder.Raises a stat by 1.5x, but locks the user into a single move while in battle.Protects the holder from the secondary effects of moves.Increases the critical hit ratio of certain Pokémon.Causes the opponent to become infatuated if the user becomes infatuated.Increases Ditto's stats by a certain amount when it is not transformed.Switches out the holder when attacked.Switches out the holder if any of its stats are lowered.Increases the Defense and Special Defense of not-fully-evolved Pokémon by 50%.Increases the power of super effective moves by 20%.Burns the holder after a turn has passed.Halves the holder's weight.Has a 10% chance of letting a fatal attack instead leave the holder with 1 hp remaining.If at full hp, an otherwise fatal move will leave the holder with 1 hp remaining.Boosts a single attack's power by 1.3x. incense that increases the power of a certain type of move.Halves the user's speed and makes flying Pokémon vulnerable to Ground-type moves.10% of flinching the target with a move.Makes the holder move last.Heals the holder by 1/16th of its maximum hp every turn.Increases move power by 30% but deals 10% hp in damage whenever an offensive move is used.Used for players to write messages to other players.A held item that can Mega Evolve a Pokémon.Heals certain statuses that deal with the Pokémon's mental state.Increases the power of Steel-type moves by 20%.Makes consecutively used moves increase in power.Copies an opponent's stat increases once.Null reference pattern for items.A plate that boosts the power of certain types of moves by 20%.Protects the holder from effects caused by making direct contact with the targetIncreases the power of punching moves by 10% and prevents contact with targets done by those moves.Gives the holder a 20% chance of moving first regardless of speed.A held item that raises a stat when hit by a certain type of move.Increases the Pokémon's critical hit ratio by one stage.10% of flinching the target with a move.Switches out the Pokémon who attacks the holder.Negates the holder's type immunitiesDamages Pokémon that make contact by 1/6 hp.Changes Zamazenta's form on battle start.Changes Zacian's form on battle start.Protects from powder-based moves.Increases the holder's critical hit ratio.Heals the Pokémon by 1/8th of the damage dealt by it.Items that increase the stats of specific Pokémon.Damages the holder for 1/8 of its maximum hp every turn.Created by Jay113355 on 11/27/2019.Boosts special attack by 1 pokemonLevel on using a sound based move.Created by Jay113355 on 10/20/2017.Badly poisons the holder after a turn has passed.A held item that increases the power of a certain move type by 20%.Raises attack and Special attack by two stages when hit by a super effective move.Restores a Pokémon's stats if they are lowered.Increases the holder's accuracy by 10%.A held item that can unlock Z-Moves.Increases a move's power by 20% if the user moves after the target.