All Implemented Interfaces:,, net.minecraft.client.gui.components.Renderable, net.minecraft.client.gui.components.TabOrderedElement
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class OverlayBase extends net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.Screen
Base class for Pokémon details in the battle interface.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.Screen

  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The client-side battle manager to get information from.
    protected BattleScreen
    The battle GUI that contains this screen.
    Particle engine for this UI.

    Fields inherited from class net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.Screen

    BACKGROUND_LOCATION, children, font, height, minecraft, renderables, screenExecutor, title, width

    Fields inherited from interface

  • Constructor Summary

    Initializes the overlay.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected boolean
    Checks if a Pokémon pokemon has already been caught by the player before.
    abstract int
    mouseOverEnemyPokemon(int guiWidth, int guiHeight, double mouseX, double mouseY)
    Finds the index of the opposing Pokémon that the cursor is over.
    abstract int
    mouseOverUserPokemon(int width, int height, int guiWidth, int guiHeight, double mouseX, double mouseY)
    Finds the index of the allied Pokémon that the cursor is over.
    abstract void
    render(net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiGraphics graphics, int width, int height, int guiWidth, int guiHeight)
    Renders the overlay.

    Methods inherited from class net.minecraft.client.gui.screens.Screen

    added, addEventWidget, addRenderableOnly, addRenderableWidget, addWidget, afterKeyboardAction, afterMouseAction, afterMouseMove, changeFocus, children, clearFocus, clearWidgets, confirmLink, createArrowEvent, createTabEvent, findNarratableWidget, getBackgroundMusic, getMinecraft, getNarrationMessage, getRectangle, getTitle, getTooltipFromItem, getUsageNarration, handleComponentClicked, handleDelayedNarration, hasAltDown, hasControlDown, hasShiftDown, hideWidgets, init, init, insertText, isCopy, isCut, isMouseOver, isPaste, isPauseScreen, isSelectAll, isValidCharacterForName, keyPressed, narrationEnabled, onClose, onFilesDrop, openLink, rebuildWidgets, removed, removeWidget, render, renderBackground, renderDirtBackground, renderTransparentBackground, renderWithTooltip, repositionElements, resize, runNarration, scheduleNarration, setInitialFocus, setTooltipForNextRenderPass, setTooltipForNextRenderPass, setTooltipForNextRenderPass, setTooltipForNextRenderPass, shouldCloseOnEsc, shouldNarrateNavigation, shouldRunNarration, suppressNarration, tick, triggerImmediateNarration, updateNarratedWidget, updateNarrationState, wrapScreenError

    Methods inherited from class

    getFocused, isDragging, setDragging, setFocused

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface

    charTyped, getChildAt, getCurrentFocusPath, isFocused, keyReleased, magicalSpecialHackyFocus, mouseClicked, mouseDragged, mouseReleased, mouseScrolled, nextFocusPath, setFocused

    Methods inherited from interface


    Methods inherited from interface net.minecraft.client.gui.components.TabOrderedElement

  • Field Details

    • parent

      protected BattleScreen parent
      The battle GUI that contains this screen.
    • bm

      protected ClientBattleManager bm
      The client-side battle manager to get information from.
    • particleEngine

      protected ScreenParticleEngine particleEngine
      Particle engine for this UI.
  • Constructor Details

    • OverlayBase

      public OverlayBase(BattleScreen parent)
      Initializes the overlay.
      parent - The battle GUI that contains this screen.
  • Method Details

    • render

      public abstract void render(net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiGraphics graphics, int width, int height, int guiWidth, int guiHeight)
      Renders the overlay.
      width - The width of the screen.
      height - The height of the screen.
      guiWidth - The width of the GUI.
      guiHeight - The height of the GUI.
    • mouseOverEnemyPokemon

      public abstract int mouseOverEnemyPokemon(int guiWidth, int guiHeight, double mouseX, double mouseY)
      Finds the index of the opposing Pokémon that the cursor is over.
      guiWidth - The width of the GUI.
      guiHeight - The height of the GUI.
      mouseX - The x coordinate of the cursor.
      mouseY - The y coordinate of the cursor.
      The index of the opposing Pokémon that the cursor is over, or -1 if the cursor is not over one.
    • mouseOverUserPokemon

      public abstract int mouseOverUserPokemon(int width, int height, int guiWidth, int guiHeight, double mouseX, double mouseY)
      Finds the index of the allied Pokémon that the cursor is over.
      width - The width of the screen.
      height - The height of the screen.
      guiWidth - The width of the GUI.
      guiHeight - The height of the GUI.
      mouseX - The x coordinate of the cursor.
      mouseY - The y coordinate of the cursor.
      The index of the allied Pokémon that the cursor is over, or -1 if the cursor is not over one.
    • hasCaught

      protected boolean hasCaught(PixelmonClientData targetPokemon)
      Checks if a Pokémon pokemon has already been caught by the player before.
      targetPokemon - The Pokémon to check.
      True if the Pokémon has already been caught by the player before.