Class TrickTests
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick exchanges the items of the user and the target.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can't steal items from a Pokémon behind a Substitute.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can't remove a Z-Crystal from a Pokémon.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can't remove mail from a Pokémon.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can't steal items from a Pokémon with the Sticky Hold ability.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can't give a Colored Orb to a Pokémon, if that Pokémon could use it to undergo Primal Reversion.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can't remove a Colored Orb from a Pokémon, if that Pokémon could use it to undergo Primal Reversion.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can't give mail to a Pokémon.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can't give a Z-Crystal to a Pokémon.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can't give a Booster Energy to a Pokémon, if either Pokémon is a Paradox Pokémon.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can't give a Memory to a Pokémon, if either Pokémon is a Silvally.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can't give a Rusted Shield to a Pokémon, if either Pokémon is a Zamazenta.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can't give a Rusted Sword to a Pokémon, if either Pokémon is a Zacian.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can't remove a Booster Energy from a Pokémon, if either Pokémon is a Paradox Pokémon.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can't remove a Memory from a Pokémon, if either Pokémon is a Silvally.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can't remove a Rusted Shield from a Pokémon, if either Pokémon is a Zamazenta.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can't remove a Rusted Sword from a Pokémon, if either Pokémon is a Zacian.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
If powered up by a Psychium Z into Z-Trick, the user's Speed is boosted by two stages, then the move itself fails after obtaining the Z-Power since it is not possible to exchange a Z-Crystal.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick should not give drives to Genesect.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick should not give Griseous Orb to Giratina.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick should not give plates to Arceus.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick should not take a Mega Stone from a Pokémon that could use that Mega Stone to Mega Evolve.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick should not take drives from Genesect.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick should not take Griseous Orb from Giratina.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick should not take plates from Arceus.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can remove a Colored Orb from a Pokémon, if that Pokémon can't use it to undergo Primal Reversion.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can give a Colored Orb to a Pokémon, if that Pokémon can't use it to undergo Primal Reversion.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can give a Booster Energy to a Pokémon, if neither Pokémon is a Paradox Pokémon.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can give a Drive to a Pokémon, if neither Pokémon is Genesect.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can give a Griseous Orb to a Pokémon, if neither Pokémon is Giratina.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can give a Memory to a Pokémon, if neither Pokémon is a Silvally.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can give a Plate to a Pokémon, if neither Pokémon is Arceus.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can give a Rusted Shield to a Pokémon, if neither Pokémon is a Zamazenta.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can give a Rusted Sword to a Pokémon, if neither Pokémon is a Zacian.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can exchange items with a Pokémon that has Multitype, but still fails if either Pokémon holds a Plate and either Pokémon is Arceus.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can remove a Booster Energy from a Pokémon, if neither Pokémon is a Paradox Pokémon.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can remove a Drive from a Pokémon, if neither Pokémon is Genesect.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can remove a Griseous Orb from a Pokémon, if neither Pokémon is Giratina.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can remove a Memory from a Pokémon, if neither Pokémon is a Silvally.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can remove a Plate from a Pokémon, if neither Pokémon is Arceus.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can remove a Rusted Shield from a Pokémon, if neither Pokémon is a Zamazenta.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can remove a Rusted Sword from a Pokémon, if neither Pokémon is a Zacian.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can exchange items with a Pokémon that has Multitype, but still fails if either Pokémon holds a Plate and either Pokémon is Arceus.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Trick can take a Mega Stone from a Pokémon that can't that Mega Stone to Mega Evolve.
Constructor Details
public TrickTests()
Method Details
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldExchangeTheUsersAndTargetsItems(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick exchanges the items of the user and the target.In this test, a Mew that is holding a Leftovers item and that knows the move Trick faces a Purugly that has the Defiant ability, is holding a Sitrus Berry, and knows the move Rest. - Turn 1 The Mew attacks the Purugly with Trick. The Mew now holds the Sitrus Berry and the Purugly holds the Leftovers. The Purugly uses Rest. - We verify that the Mew's held item is a berry. We verify that the Purugly's held item is a Leftovers.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldNotTakePlatesFromArceus(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick should not take plates from Arceus.In this test, a Mew that knows the move Trick faces a Arceus that is holding a Flame Plate and that knows the move Swords Dance. - Turn 1 The Arceus uses Swords Dance. The Mew attacks the Arceus with Trick. No items are exchanged. - We verify that the Mew does not have a held item. We verify that the Arceus has a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldNotGivePlatesToArceus(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick should not give plates to Arceus.In this test, a Mew that is holding a Fist Plate and that knows the move Trick faces a Arceus that knows the move Swords Dance. - Turn 1 The Arceus uses Swords Dance. The Mew attacks the Arceus with Trick. No items are exchanged. - We verify that the Mew has a held item. We verify that the Arceus does not have a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldSucceedInRemovingAPlateIfTheTargetIsNotArceus(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can remove a Plate from a Pokémon, if neither Pokémon is Arceus.In this test, a Mew that knows the move Trick faces a Psyduck that holds a Splash Plate and knows the move Tail Whip. - Turn 1 The Mew uses Trick on the Psyduck. Mew receives the Splash Plate. The Psyduck uses Tail Whip. - We verify that the Mew has a held item. We verify that the Psyduck does not have a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldSucceedInGivingAPlateIfTheTargetIsNotArceus(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can give a Plate to a Pokémon, if neither Pokémon is Arceus.In this test, a Mew that holds a Mind Plate and knows the move Trick faces a Psyduck that knows the move Tail Whip. - Turn 1 The Mew uses Trick on the Psyduck. Psyduck receives the Mind Plate. The Psyduck uses Tail Whip. - We verify that the Mew does not have a held item. We verify that the Psyduck has a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldSucceedInRemovingItemsIfTheTargetHasMultitype(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can exchange items with a Pokémon that has Multitype, but still fails if either Pokémon holds a Plate and either Pokémon is Arceus.In this test, a Mew that knows the move Trick faces a Psyduck with the Multitype ability that holds a Splash Plate and knows the move Tail Whip. - Turn 1 The Mew uses Trick on the Psyduck. Mew receives the Splash Plate. The Psyduck uses Tail Whip. - We verify that the Mew has a held item. We verify that the Psyduck does not have a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldSucceedInGivingItemsIfTheTargetHasMultitype(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can exchange items with a Pokémon that has Multitype, but still fails if either Pokémon holds a Plate and either Pokémon is Arceus.In this test, a Mew that holds a Mind Plate and knows the move Trick faces a Psyduck that knows the move Tail Whip. - Turn 1 The Mew uses Trick on the Psyduck. Psyduck receives the Mind Plate. The Psyduck uses Tail Whip. - We verify that the Mew does not have a held item. We verify that the Psyduck has a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldNotTakeGriseousOrbFromGiratina(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick should not take Griseous Orb from Giratina.In this test, a Mew that knows the move Trick faces a Giratina that is holding a Griseous Orb and that knows the move Defog. - Turn 1 The Mew uses Trick on the Giratina. No items are exchanged. The Giratina uses Defog. - We verify that the Mew does not have a held item. We verify that the Giratina has a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldNotGiveGriseousOrbToGiratina(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick should not give Griseous Orb to Giratina.In this test, a Mew that is holding a Griseous Orb and that knows the move Trick faces a Giratina that knows the move Defog. - Turn 1 The Mew uses Trick on the Giratina. No items are exchanged. The Giratina uses Defog. - We verify that the Mew has a held item. We verify that the Giratina does not have a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldSucceedInRemovingAGriseousOrbIfTheTargetIsNotGiratina(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can remove a Griseous Orb from a Pokémon, if neither Pokémon is Giratina.In this test, a Mew that knows the move Trick faces a Psyduck that holds a Griseous Orb and knows the move Tail Whip. - Turn 1 The Mew uses Trick on the Psyduck. Mew receives the Griseous Orb. The Psyduck uses Tail Whip. - We verify that the Mew has a held item. We verify that the Psyduck does not have a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldSucceedInGivingAGriseousOrbIfTheTargetIsNotGiratina(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can give a Griseous Orb to a Pokémon, if neither Pokémon is Giratina.In this test, a Mew that holds a Griseous Orb and knows the move Trick faces a Psyduck that knows the move Tail Whip. - Turn 1 The Mew uses Trick on the Psyduck. Psyduck receives the Griseous Orb. The Psyduck uses Tail Whip. - We verify that the Mew does not have a held item. We verify that the Psyduck has a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldNotTakeDrivesFromGenesect(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick should not take drives from Genesect.In this test, a Mew that knows the move Trick faces a Genesect that holds a Douse Drive and knows the move Swords Dance. - Turn 1 The Mew attacks the Genesect with Trick. No items are exchanged. The Genesect uses Shift Gear. - We verify that the Mew does not have a held item. We verify that the Genesect has a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldNotGiveDrivesToGenesect(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick should not give drives to Genesect.In this test, a Mew that is holding a Douse Drive and that knows the move Trick faces a Genesect that knows the move Swords Dance. - Turn 1 The Mew attacks the Genesect with Trick. No items are exchanged. The Genesect uses Shift Gear. - We verify that the Mew has a held item. We verify that the Genesect does not have a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldSucceedInRemovingADriveIfTheTargetIsNotGenesect(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can remove a Drive from a Pokémon, if neither Pokémon is Genesect.In this test, a Mew that knows the move Trick faces a Psyduck that holds a Douse Drive and knows the move Tail Whip. - Turn 1 The Mew uses Trick on the Psyduck. Mew receives the Douse Drive. The Psyduck uses Tail Whip. - We verify that the Mew has a held item. We verify that the Psyduck does not have a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldSucceedInGivingADriveIfTheTargetIsNotGenesect(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can give a Drive to a Pokémon, if neither Pokémon is Genesect.In this test, a Mew that holds a Chill Drive and knows the move Trick faces a Psyduck that knows the move Tail Whip. - Turn 1 The Mew uses Trick on the Psyduck. Psyduck receives the Chill Drive. The Psyduck uses Tail Whip. - We verify that the Mew does not have a held item. We verify that the Psyduck has a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldNotTakeCorrectlyHeldMegaStones(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick should not take a Mega Stone from a Pokémon that could use that Mega Stone to Mega Evolve.In this test, a Mew that knows the move Trick faces a Scizor that holds a Scizorite and knows the move Swords Dance. - Turn 1 The Mew attacks the Scizor with Trick. No items are exchanged. The Scizor uses Swords Dance. - We verify that the Mew does not have a held item. We verify that the Scizor has a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldTakeIncorrectlyHeldMegaStones(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can take a Mega Stone from a Pokémon that can't that Mega Stone to Mega Evolve.In this test, a Mew that knows the move Trick faces a Scizor that holds an Audinite and knows the move Swords Dance. - Turn 1 The Mew attacks the Scizor with Trick. The Mew receives the Scizor's Audinite. The Scizor uses Swords Dance. - We verify that the Mew has a held item. We verify that the Scizor does not have a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldFailAgainstAPokemonBehindASubstitute(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can't steal items from a Pokémon behind a Substitute.In this test, a Mew that knows the move Trick faces a Cobalion that holds a Leftovers and knows the move Substitute. - Turn 1 The Cobalion uses Substitute. The Mew attacks the Cobalion with Trick. No items are exchanged. - We verify that the Mew does not have a held item. We verify that the Cobalion has a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldFailAgainstAPokemonWithTheStickyHoldsAbility(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can't steal items from a Pokémon with the Sticky Hold ability.In this test, a Mew that knows the move Trick faces a Swalot with the Sticky Hold ability that holds a Leftovers and knows the move Stockpile. - Turn 1 The Mew attacks the Swalot with Trick. No items are exchanged. The Swalot uses Stockpile. - We verify that the Mew does not have a held item. We verify that the Swalot has a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldFailAgainstAPokemonHoldingMail(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can't remove mail from a Pokémon.In this test, a Mew that knows the move Trick faces a Pelipper that holds a Pokémail Air and knows the move Stockpile. - Turn 1 The Mew uses Trick on the Pelipper. No items are exchanged. The Pelipper uses Stockpile. - We verify that the Mew does not have a held item. We verify that the Pelipper has a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldFailIfTheUserHoldsMail(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can't give mail to a Pokémon.In this test, a Mew that holds a Pokémail Thanks and knows the move Trick faces a Pelipper that knows the move Stockpile. - Turn 1 The Mew uses Trick on the Pelipper. No items are exchanged. The Pelipper uses Stockpile. - We verify that the Mew has a held item. We verify that the Pelipper does not have a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldFailAgainstAPokemonHoldingAZCrystal(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can't remove a Z-Crystal from a Pokémon.In this test, a Mew that knows the move Trick faces a Pelipper that holds a Waterium Z and knows the move Stockpile. - Turn 1 The Mew uses Trick on the Pelipper. No items are exchanged. The Pelipper uses Stockpile. - We verify that the Mew does not have a held item. We verify that the Pelipper has a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldFailIfTheUserIsHoldingAZCrystal(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can't give a Z-Crystal to a Pokémon.In this test, a Mew that holds a Psychium Z and knows the move Trick faces a Pelipper that knows the move Stockpile. - Turn 1 The Mew uses Trick on the Pelipper. No items are exchanged. The Pelipper uses Stockpile. - We verify that the Mew has a held item. We verify that the Pelipper does not have a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldIncreaseUsersSpeedButFailIfPoweredUpToZTrick(BattleTestHelper helper) If powered up by a Psychium Z into Z-Trick, the user's Speed is boosted by two stages, then the move itself fails after obtaining the Z-Power since it is not possible to exchange a Z-Crystal.In this test, a Mew that holds a Psychium Z and knows the move Trick faces a Pelipper that knows the move Stockpile. - Turn 1 The Mew uses Trick on the Pelipper. The Mew's Speed is raised by two stages, but no items are exchanged. The Pelipper uses Stockpile. - We verify that the Mew's Speed has been raised by two stages. We verify that the Mew has a held item. We verify that the Pelipper does not have a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldFailIfTheTargetCouldUseItsColoredOrb(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can't remove a Colored Orb from a Pokémon, if that Pokémon could use it to undergo Primal Reversion.In this test, a Mew that knows the move Trick faces a Groudon that holds a Red Orb and knows the move Bulk Up. - Turn 1 The Mew uses Trick on the Groudon. No items are exchanged. The Groudon uses Bulk Up. - We verify that the Mew does not have a held item. We verify that the Groudon has a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldFailIfTargetCouldUseTheUsersColoredOrb(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can't give a Colored Orb to a Pokémon, if that Pokémon could use it to undergo Primal Reversion.In this test, a Mew that holds a Red Orb and knows the move Trick faces a Groudon that knows the move Bulk Up. - Turn 1 The Mew uses Trick on the Groudon. No items are exchanged. The Groudon uses Bulk Up. - We verify that the Mew has a held item. We verify that the Groudon does not have a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldSucceedIfTheTargetCannotUseItsColoredOrb(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can remove a Colored Orb from a Pokémon, if that Pokémon can't use it to undergo Primal Reversion.In this test, a Mew that knows the move Trick faces a Kyogre that holds a Red Orb and knows the move Calm Mind. - Turn 1 The Mew uses Trick on the Kyogre. Mew receives the Red Orb. The Kyogre uses Calm Mind. - We verify that the Mew has a held item. We verify that the Kyogre does not have a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldSucceedIfTheTargetCannotUseTheUsersColoredOrb(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can give a Colored Orb to a Pokémon, if that Pokémon can't use it to undergo Primal Reversion.In this test, a Mew that holds a Red Orb and knows the move Trick faces a Kyogre that knows the move Calm Mind. - Turn 1 The Mew uses Trick on the Kyogre. Kyogre receives the Red Orb. The Kyogre uses Calm Mind. - We verify that the Mew does not have a held item. We verify that the Kyogre has a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldFailToRemoveAMemoryIfTheTargetIsASilvally(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can't remove a Memory from a Pokémon, if either Pokémon is a Silvally.In this test, a Mew that knows the move Trick faces a Silvally that holds a Dark Memory and knows the move Metal Sound. - Turn 1 The Mew uses Trick on the Silvally. No items are exchanged. The Silvally uses Metal Sound. - We verify that the Mew does not have a held item. We verify that the Silvally has a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldFailToGiveAMemoryIfTheTargetIsASilvally(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can't give a Memory to a Pokémon, if either Pokémon is a Silvally.In this test, a Mew that holds a Psychic Memory and knows the move Trick faces a Silvally that knows the move Metal Sound. - Turn 1 The Mew uses Trick on the Silvally. No items are exchanged. The Silvally uses Metal Sound. - We verify that the Mew has a held item. We verify that the Silvally does not have a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldSucceedInRemovingAMemoryIfTheTargetIsNotASilvally(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can remove a Memory from a Pokémon, if neither Pokémon is a Silvally.In this test, a Mew that knows the move Trick faces a Psyduck that holds a Dark Memory and knows the move Tail Whip. - Turn 1 The Mew uses Trick on the Psyduck. Mew receives the Dark Memory. The Psyduck uses Tail Whip. - We verify that the Mew has a held item. We verify that the Psyduck does not have a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldSucceedInGivingAMemoryIfTheTargetIsNotASilvally(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can give a Memory to a Pokémon, if neither Pokémon is a Silvally.In this test, a Mew that holds a Psychic Memory and knows the move Trick faces a Psyduck that knows the move Tail Whip. - Turn 1 The Mew uses Trick on the Psyduck. Psyduck receives the Psychic Memory. The Psyduck uses Tail Whip. - We verify that the Mew does not have a held item. We verify that the Psyduck has a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldFailToRemoveARustedSwordIfTheTargetIsAZacian(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can't remove a Rusted Sword from a Pokémon, if either Pokémon is a Zacian.In this test, a Mew that knows the move Trick faces a Zacian that holds a Rusted Sword and knows the move Swords Dance. - Turn 1 The Zacian uses Swords Dance. The Mew uses Trick on the Zacian. No items are exchanged. - We verify that the Mew does not have a held item. We verify that the Zacian has a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldFailToGiveARustedSwordIfTheTargetIsAZacian(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can't give a Rusted Sword to a Pokémon, if either Pokémon is a Zacian.In this test, a Mew that holds a Rusted Sword and knows the move Trick faces a Zacian that knows the move Swords Dance. - Turn 1 The Zacian uses Swords Dance. The Mew uses Trick on the Zacian. No items are exchanged. - We verify that the Mew has a held item. We verify that the Zacian does not have a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldSucceedInRemovingARustedSwordIfTheTargetIsNotAZacian(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can remove a Rusted Sword from a Pokémon, if neither Pokémon is a Zacian.In this test, a Mew that knows the move Trick faces a Psyduck that holds a Rusted Sword and knows the move Tail Whip. - Turn 1 The Mew uses Trick on the Psyduck. Mew receives the Rusted Sword. The Psyduck uses Tail Whip. - We verify that the Mew has a held item. We verify that the Psyduck does not have a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldSucceedInGivingARustedSwordIfTheTargetIsNotAZacian(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can give a Rusted Sword to a Pokémon, if neither Pokémon is a Zacian.In this test, a Mew that holds a Rusted Sword and knows the move Trick faces a Psyduck that knows the move Tail Whip. - Turn 1 The Mew uses Trick on the Psyduck. Psyduck receives the Rusted Sword. The Psyduck uses Tail Whip. - We verify that the Mew does not have a held item. We verify that the Psyduck has a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldFailToRemoveARustedShieldIfTheTargetIsAZamazenta(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can't remove a Rusted Shield from a Pokémon, if either Pokémon is a Zamazenta.In this test, a Mew that knows the move Trick faces a Zamazenta that holds a Rusted Shield and knows the move Iron Defense. - Turn 1 The Zamazenta uses Iron Defense. The Mew uses Trick on the Zamazenta. No items are exchanged. - We verify that the Mew does not have a held item. We verify that the Zamazenta has a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldFailToGiveARustedShieldIfTheTargetIsAZamazenta(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can't give a Rusted Shield to a Pokémon, if either Pokémon is a Zamazenta.In this test, a Mew that holds a Rusted Shield and knows the move Trick faces a Zamazenta that knows the move Iron Defense. - Turn 1 The Zamazenta uses Iron Defense. The Mew uses Trick on the Zamazenta. No items are exchanged. - We verify that the Mew has a held item. We verify that the Zamazenta does not have a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldSucceedInRemovingARustedShieldIfTheTargetIsNotAZamazenta(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can remove a Rusted Shield from a Pokémon, if neither Pokémon is a Zamazenta.In this test, a Mew that knows the move Trick faces a Psyduck that holds a Rusted Shield and knows the move Tail Whip. - Turn 1 The Mew uses Trick on the Psyduck. Mew receives the Rusted Shield. The Psyduck uses Tail Whip. - We verify that the Mew has a held item. We verify that the Psyduck does not have a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldSucceedInGivingARustedShieldIfTheTargetIsNotAZamazenta(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can give a Rusted Shield to a Pokémon, if neither Pokémon is a Zamazenta.In this test, a Mew that holds a Rusted Shield and knows the move Trick faces a Psyduck that knows the move Tail Whip. - Turn 1 The Mew uses Trick on the Psyduck. Psyduck receives the Rusted Shield. The Psyduck uses Tail Whip. - We verify that the Mew does not have a held item. We verify that the Psyduck has a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldFailToRemoveABoosterEnergyIfTheTargetIsAParadoxPokemon(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can't remove a Booster Energy from a Pokémon, if either Pokémon is a Paradox Pokémon.In this test, during a Double Battle, a Mew that knows the move Trick and a Magikarp that knows Splash face an Iron Moth that holds a Booster Energy and knows the move Screech along with a Miraidon that knows the move Charge. - Turn 1 The Miraidon uses Charge. The Iron Moth uses Screech on Magikarp. The Mew uses Trick on the Iron Moth. No items are exchanged. The Magikarp uses Splash. - We verify that the Mew does not have a held item. We verify that the Iron Moth has a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldFailToGiveABoosterEnergyIfTheTargetIsAParadoxPokemon(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can't give a Booster Energy to a Pokémon, if either Pokémon is a Paradox Pokémon.In this test, a Mew that holds a Booster Energy and knows the move Trick faces a Iron Moth that knows the move Screech. - Turn 1 The Iron Moth uses Screech. The Mew uses Trick on the Iron Moth. No items are exchanged. - We verify that the Mew has a held item. We verify that the Iron Moth does not have a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldSucceedInRemovingABoosterEnergyIfTheTargetIsNotAParadoxPokemon(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can remove a Booster Energy from a Pokémon, if neither Pokémon is a Paradox Pokémon.In this test, a Mew that knows the move Trick faces a Psyduck that holds a Booster Energy and knows the move Tail Whip. - Turn 1 The Mew uses Trick on the Psyduck. Mew receives the Booster Energy. The Psyduck uses Tail Whip. - We verify that the Mew has a held item. We verify that the Psyduck does not have a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldSucceedInGivingABoosterEnergyIfTheTargetIsNotAParadoxPokemon(BattleTestHelper helper) Trick can give a Booster Energy to a Pokémon, if neither Pokémon is a Paradox Pokémon.In this test, a Mew that holds a Booster Energy and knows the move Trick faces a Psyduck that knows the move Tail Whip. - Turn 1 The Mew uses Trick on the Psyduck. Psyduck receives the Booster Energy. The Psyduck uses Tail Whip. - We verify that the Mew does not have a held item. We verify that the Psyduck has a held item.