Class GMaxReplenishTests
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic CompletableFuture<TestResult>
G-Max Replenish inflicts damage and can restore Berries consumed by the user or its allies.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
G-Max Replenish cannot recover Berries destroyed by Incinerate.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
G-Max Replenish can recover Berries consumed by Fling.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
G-Max Replenish cannot recover Berries removed by Knock Off.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
G-Max Replenish cannot recover Berries an opponent ate with Bug Bite.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
G-Max Replenish cannot recover Berries transferred to another Pokémon.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
G-Max Replenish cannot restore a Berry if it was collected by a Pokémon with Pickup.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
G-Max Replenish can recover Berries the user or its allies ate with Bug Bite.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
G-Max Replenish can recover Berries the user or its allies ate with Bug Bite.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
G-Max Replenish only rolls the 50% chance to restore berries once, for all allies.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
G-Max Replenish can recover Berries consumed by Fling.
Constructor Details
public GMaxReplenishTests()
Method Details
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testDealsDamageCanRestoreBerries(BattleTestHelper helper) G-Max Replenish inflicts damage and can restore Berries consumed by the user or its allies.In this test, a Snorlax with a Gigantamax Factor that holds a Lum Berry and knows the moves Swift and Sleep Talk is on a team with a Pinsir that holds a Lum Berry and knows Sleep Talk. They face an Electabuzz that knows the moves Thunder Wave and Sleep Talk along with an Elekid that knows the moves Thunder Wave and Sleep Talk. - Turn 1 The Electabuzz uses Thunder Wave. Snorlax becomes paralyzed. The Snorlax consumes its Lum Berry and cures its paralysis. The Elekid uses Thunder Wave. Pinsir becomes paralyzed. The Pinsir consumes its Lum Berry and cures its paralysis. The Pinsir uses Sleep Talk. The Snorlax uses Sleep Talk. Turn 2 The Electabuzz uses Sleep Talk. The Elekid uses Sleep Talk. The Pinsir uses Sleep Talk. The Snorlax Gigantamaxes. Snorlax uses G-Max Replenish. G-Max Replenish restores the Snorlax's Lum Berry and the Pinsir's Lum Berry. - After turn 1: We verify that the Snorlax does not have a held item. We verify that the Pinsir does not have a held item. We verify that the Snorlax does not have the Paralysis status. We verify that the Pinsir does not have the Paralysis status. After turn 2: We verify that the Snorlax has Gigantamaxed. We verify that the Electabuzz is not at full health. We verify that the Snorlax's last attack was a Max Move or G-Max Move. We verify that the Snorlax has a held item. We verify that the Pinsir has a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testRecoversAllBerriesOrNoBerries(BattleTestHelper helper) G-Max Replenish only rolls the 50% chance to restore berries once, for all allies.In this test, a Snorlax with a Gigantamax Factor that holds a Lum Berry and knows the moves Swift and Sleep Talk is on a team with a Pinsir that holds a Lum Berry and knows Sleep Talk. They face an Sandaconda that knows the moves Glare and Sleep Talk along with an Silicobra that knows the moves Glare and Sleep Talk. - Turn 1 The Sandaconda uses Glare. Snorlax becomes paralyzed. The Snorlax consumes its Lum Berry and cures its paralysis. The Silicobra uses Glare. Pinsir becomes paralyzed. The Pinsir consumes its Lum Berry and cures its paralysis. The Pinsir uses Sleep Talk. The Snorlax uses Sleep Talk. Turn 2 The Sandaconda uses Sleep Talk. The Silicobra uses Sleep Talk. The Pinsir uses Sleep Talk. The Snorlax Gigantamaxes. Snorlax uses G-Max Replenish. G-Max Replenish restores the Snorlax's Lum Berry and the Pinsir's Lum Berry. - After turn 1: We verify that the Snorlax does not have a held item. We verify that the Pinsir does not have a held item. We verify that the Snorlax does not have the Paralysis status. We verify that the Pinsir does not have the Paralysis status. After turn 2: We verify that the Snorlax and Pinsir either both have a held item or both do not have a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testRecoversBerriesFromTheUsersFling(BattleTestHelper helper) G-Max Replenish can recover Berries consumed by Fling. (Items consumed by Fling can be recovered; they are considered to be consumed in the position of the Pokémon that was holding the item before the move was used.)In this test, a Snorlax with a Gigantamax Factor that holds a Lum Berry and knows the moves Swift and Fling faces an Electabuzz that knows the move Sleep Talk. - Turn 1 The Electabuzz uses Sleep Talk. The Snorlax uses Fling. The Lum Berry is consumed. Turn 2 The Electabuzz uses Sleep Talk. The Snorlax Gigantamaxes. Snorlax uses G-Max Replenish. G-Max Replenish restores the Snorlax's Lum Berry. - After turn 1: We verify that the Snorlax does not have a held item. We verify that the Snorlax has consumed a Lum Berry. We verify that the Electabuzz has not consumed an item. After turn 2: We verify that the Snorlax has Gigantamaxed. We verify that the Snorlax's last attack was a Max Move or G-Max Move. We verify that the Snorlax has a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testDoesNotRecoverBerriesFromTheOpponentsFling(BattleTestHelper helper) G-Max Replenish can recover Berries consumed by Fling. (Items consumed by Fling can be recovered; they are considered to be consumed in the position of the Pokémon that was holding the item before the move was used.)In this test, a Snorlax with a Gigantamax Factor knows the moves Sleep Talk and Swift faces an Electabuzz that holds a Lum Berry and knows the moves Fling and Sleep Talk. - Turn 1 The Electabuzz uses Fling. The Lum Berry is consumed. The Snorlax uses Sleep Talk. Turn 2 The Electabuzz uses Sleep Talk. The Snorlax Gigantamaxes. Snorlax uses G-Max Replenish. G-Max Replenish does not restore the Lum Berry since it was the Electabuzz that consumed it. - After turn 1: We verify that the Snorlax does not have a held item. We verify that the Snorlax has consumed a Lum Berry. We verify that the Electabuzz has not consumed an item. After turn 2: We verify that the Snorlax has Gigantamaxed. We verify that the Snorlax's last attack was a Max Move or G-Max Move. We verify that the Snorlax has a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testDoesNotRecoverBerriesTransferredToAnotherPokemon(BattleTestHelper helper) G-Max Replenish cannot recover Berries transferred to another Pokémon.In this test, a Snorlax with a Gigantamax Factor that holds a Lum Berry and knows the moves Bestow and Swift faces an Electabuzz that knows the move Sleep Talk. - Turn 1 The Electabuzz uses Sleep Talk. The Snorlax uses Bestow. The Electabuzz receives the Snorlax's Lum Berry. Turn 2 The Electabuzz uses Sleep Talk. The Snorlax Gigantamaxes. Snorlax uses G-Max Replenish. G-Max Replenish does not restore a Lum Berry to the Snorlax. - After turn 1: We verify that the Snorlax does not have a held item. We verify that the Snorlax has not consumed an item. We verify that the Electabuzz has a held item. We verify that the Electabuzz has not consumed an item. After turn 2: We verify that the Snorlax does not have a held item. We verify that the Electabuzz has a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testDoesNotRecoverBerriesDestroyedByIncinerate(BattleTestHelper helper) G-Max Replenish cannot recover Berries destroyed by Incinerate.In this test, a Snorlax with a Gigantamax Factor that holds a Lum Berry and knows the moves Sleep Talk and Swift faces a Pansear that knows the move Incinerate. - Turn 1 The Pansear uses Incinerate. The Snorlax's Lum Berry is destroyed. The Snorlax uses Sleep Talk. Turn 2 The Pansear uses Incinerate. The Snorlax Gigantamaxes. Snorlax uses G-Max Replenish. G-Max Replenish does not restore a Lum Berry to the Snorlax. - After turn 1: We verify that the Snorlax does not have a held item. We verify that the Snorlax has not consumed an item. We verify that the Pansear has not consumed an item. After turn 2: We verify that the Snorlax does not have a held item. We verify that the Pansear does not have a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testDoesNotRecoverBerriesRemovedByKnockOff(BattleTestHelper helper) G-Max Replenish cannot recover Berries removed by Knock Off.In this test, a Snorlax with a Gigantamax Factor that holds a Lum Berry and knows the moves Sleep Talk and Swift faces a Machoke that knows the move Knock Off. - Turn 1 The Machoke uses Knock Off. The Snorlax's Lum Berry is removed. The Snorlax uses Sleep Talk. Turn 2 The Machoke uses Knock Off. The Snorlax Gigantamaxes. Snorlax uses G-Max Replenish. G-Max Replenish does not restore a Lum Berry to the Snorlax. - After turn 1: We verify that the Snorlax does not have a held item. We verify that the Snorlax has not consumed an item. We verify that the Machoke has not consumed an item. After turn 2: We verify that the Snorlax does not have a held item. We verify that the Machoke does not have a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testDoesNotRecoverBerriesTheOpponentAteWithBugBite(BattleTestHelper helper) G-Max Replenish cannot recover Berries an opponent ate with Bug Bite.In this test, a Snorlax with a Gigantamax Factor that holds a Lum Berry and knows the moves Sleep Talk and Swift faces an Ariados that knows the move Bug Bite. - Turn 1 The Ariados uses Bug Bite. The Snorlax's Lum Berry is destroyed. The Snorlax uses Sleep Talk. Turn 2 The Ariados uses Bug Bite. The Snorlax Gigantamaxes. Snorlax uses G-Max Replenish. G-Max Replenish does not restore a Lum Berry to the Snorlax. - After turn 1: We verify that the Snorlax does not have a held item. We verify that the Ariados does not have a held item. We verify that the Snorlax has not consumed an item. We verify that the Ariados has consumed an item. After turn 2: We verify that the Snorlax does not have a held item. We verify that the Ariados does not have a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testDoesRecoverBerriesEatenWithBugBite(BattleTestHelper helper) G-Max Replenish can recover Berries the user or its allies ate with Bug Bite.In this test, a Snorlax with a Gigantamax Factor that knows the moves Bug Bite and Swift faces an Pansear that holds a Lum Berry and knows the move Sleep Talk. - Turn 1 The Pansear uses Sleep Talk. The Snorlax uses Bug Bite. The Pansear's Lum Berry is destroyed. Turn 2 The Pansear uses Sleep Talk. The Snorlax Gigantamaxes. Snorlax uses G-Max Replenish. G-Max Replenish restores a Lum Berry to the Snorlax. - After turn 1: We verify that the Snorlax does not have a held item. We verify that the Pansear does not have a held item. We verify that the Snorlax has consumed an item. We verify that the Pansear has not consumed an item. After turn 2: We verify that the Snorlax has a held item. We verify that the Pansear does not have a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testDoesRecoverBerriesEatenWithBugBiteAndDoesNotOverrideItems(BattleTestHelper helper) G-Max Replenish can recover Berries the user or its allies ate with Bug Bite.In this test, a Snorlax with a Gigantamax Factor that holds a Leftovers and knows the moves Bug Bite and Swift faces an Pansear that holds a Lum Berry and knows the move Sleep Talk. - Turn 1 The Pansear uses Sleep Talk. The Snorlax uses Bug Bite. The Pansear's Lum Berry is destroyed. Turn 2 The Pansear uses Sleep Talk. The Snorlax Gigantamaxes. Snorlax uses G-Max Replenish. G-Max Replenish restores a Lum Berry to the Snorlax. - After turn 1: We verify that the Snorlax does not have a held item. We verify that the Pansear does not have a held item. We verify that the Snorlax has consumed an item. We verify that the Pansear has not consumed an item. After turn 2: We verify that the Snorlax has a held item. We verify that the Snorlax's held item is a Leftovers. We verify that the Pansear does not have a held item.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testDoesNotRestoreBerriesCollectedByPickup(BattleTestHelper helper) G-Max Replenish cannot restore a Berry if it was collected by a Pokémon with Pickup.In this test, a Snorlax with a Gigantamax Factor that holds a Lum Berry and knows the moves Swift and Sleep Talk is on a team with a Munchlax that has the Pickup ability and that knows Sleep Talk. They face an Electabuzz that knows the moves Thunder Wave and Sleep Talk. - Turn 1 The Electabuzz uses Thunder Wave. Snorlax becomes paralyzed. The Snorlax consumes its Lum Berry and cures its paralysis. The Snorlax uses Sleep Talk. The Munchlax uses Sleep Talk. The Munchlax recovers the Snorlax's Lum Berry with its Pickup ability. Turn 2 The Electabuzz uses Sleep Talk. The Snorlax Gigantamaxes. Snorlax uses G-Max Replenish. G-Max Replenish doesn't restore the Snorlax's Lum Berry. The Munchlax uses Sleep Talk. - After turn 1: We verify that the Snorlax does not have a held item. We verify that the Munchlax has a held item. We verify that the Snorlax does not have the Paralysis status. We verify that the Snorlax does not have a consumed item (because Munchlax's Pickup stole the value). We verify that the Munchlax does not have a consumed item. After turn 2: We verify that the Snorlax does not have a held item. We verify that the Munchlax has a held item.