Class BugBiteTests
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Pluck can hit non-adjacent opponents in Triple Battles.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
The effect of a target's Jaboca Berry will activate before it can be eaten by Bug Bite.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
The effect of a target's Tanga Berry will activate before it can be eaten by Bug Bite.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Bug Bite inflicts damage.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
The effect of berries such as the Liechi Berry will be eaten by the attacker, regardless of them meeting their consumption requirement upon taking damage from Bug Bite.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
The effect of berries such as the Sitrus Berry will be eaten by the attacker, regardless of them meeting their consumption requirement upon taking damage from Bug Bite.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Bug Bite will not eat the target's Berry if it hits its substitute.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Bug Bite will not consume the Berry of a target that has the Ability Sticky Hold.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Bug Bite will receive the effects of the target's held berry even if the user is affected by Embargo.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Bug Bite will receive the effects of the target's held berry even if it has the Klutz ability.static CompletableFuture<TestResult>
Bug Bite will eat the target's Berry, even if the target has a substitute, if the user has the Infiltrator ability.
Constructor Details
public BugBiteTests()
Method Details
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldDealDamageAndEatTheTargetsBerry(BattleTestHelper helper) Bug Bite inflicts damage. If the target is holding a Berry, the user will eat the Berry and gain its effect.In this test, a Wurmple that knows the move Bug Bite faces a Phantump that holds a Lum Berry and knows the move Will-O-Wisp. - Turn 1 The Phantump attacks the Wurmple with Will-O-Wisp and applies the Burn status condition to the Wurmple. The Wurmple attacks the Phantump with Bug Bite, which deals damage, consumes the Phantump's Lum Berry, and cures the Wurmple of its Burn. - We verify that the Phantump took damage from Bug Bite. We verify that the Phantump does not have a held item. We verify that the Wurmple is not holding a held item. We verify that the Wurmple's consumedHeldItem value is a berry. We verify that the Phantump's consumedHeldItem value is not a berry. We verify that the Wurmple does not have the Burn status.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldNotEatABerryIfItHitsASubstitute(BattleTestHelper helper) Bug Bite will not eat the target's Berry if it hits its substitute.In this test, a Wurmple that knows the moves Tackle and Bug Bite faces a Gengar that holds a Lum Berry and knows the moves Will-O-Wisp and Substitute. - Turn 1 The Gengar attacks the Wurmple with Will-O-Wisp and applies the Burn status condition to the Wurmple. The Wurmple attacks the Gengar with Tackle, which does not do any damage. Turn 2 The Gengar sacrifices some of its HP to set up a Substitute. The Wurmple attacks the Gengar with Bug Bite, which deals damage to the Substitute, but does not consume the Lum Berry and therefore doesn't cure the Wurmple of its Burn. - We verify that the Wurmple has the Burn status condition after turn 1 and before turn 2. After turn 2... We verify that the Gengar took damage from making a Substitute. We verify that the Wurmple is not holding a held item. We verify that the Gengar has a held item. We verify that the Wurmple's consumedHeldItem value is not a berry. We verify that the Gengar's consumedHeldItem value is not a berry. We verify that the Wurmple has the Burn status.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldSuccessfullyEatABerryIfItHitsASubstituteWithInfiltrator(BattleTestHelper helper) Bug Bite will eat the target's Berry, even if the target has a substitute, if the user has the Infiltrator ability.In this test, a Ninjask with the Infiltrator ability that knows the moves Sleep Talk and Bug Bite faces a Prankster Cottonee that holds a Lum Berry and knows the moves Poison Powder and Substitute. Cottonee will always move before Ninjask with Prankster and only status moves. - Turn 1 The Cottonee attacks the Ninjask with Poison Powder and applies the Poison status condition to the Ninjask. The Ninjask attacks the Cottonee with Sleep Talk, which does not do any damage. Turn 2 The Cottonee sacrifices some of its HP to set up a Substitute. The Ninjask attacks the Cottonee with Bug Bite, which deals damage to the Cottonee - not the substitute, and consumes the Lum Berry and cures the Ninjask of its Poison. - We verify that the Ninjask has the Poison status condition after turn 1 and before turn 2. After turn 2... We verify that the Cottonee took damage. We verify that the Ninjask is not holding a held item. We verify that the Cottonee is not holding a held item. We verify that the Ninjask has a berry as its consumed item. We verify that the Cottonee does not have a berry as its consumed item. We verify that the Ninjask does not have the Poison status.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldNotEatABerryIfTheTargetHasTheStickyHoldAbility(BattleTestHelper helper) Bug Bite will not consume the Berry of a target that has the Ability Sticky Hold.In this test, a Wurmple that knows the move Bug Bite faces a Grimer that has the Sticky Hold ability, holds a Lum Berry, and knows the move Toxic. - Turn 1 The Grimer attacks Wurmple with Toxic and badly poisons the Wurmple. The Wurmple attacks the Grimer with Bug Bite, which deals damage, but does not consume the Grimer's Lum Berry. - We verify that the Grimer took damage. We verify that the Wurmple is not holding a held item. We verify that the Grimer has a held item. We verify that the Wurmple does not have a berry as its consumed item. We verify that the Grimer does not have a berry as its consumed item. We verify that the Wurmple has the Poisoned Badly status.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldActivateTargetsJabocaBerryBeforeItCanBeEaten(BattleTestHelper helper) The effect of a target's Jaboca Berry will activate before it can be eaten by Bug Bite.In this test, a Wurmple that knows the move Bug Bite faces a Phantump with the Frisk ability that holds a Jaboca Berry and knows the move Sleep Talk. - Turn 1 The Phantump uses Sleep Talk. The Wurmple attacks the Phantump with Bug Bite. The Phantump's Jaboca Berry is activated by the physical attack and Wurmple loses 1/8 of its maximum HP. - We verify that the Phantump took damage from Bug Bite. We verify that the Phantump does not have a held item. We verify that the Wurmple does not have a held item. We verify that the Wurmple does not have a berry as its consumed item. We verify that the Phantump's consumed item is a berry. We verify that the Wurmple is not at full health. We verify that the Wurmple has lost exactly 1/8 of its maximum HP.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldActivateTargetsTangaBerryBeforeItCanBeEaten(BattleTestHelper helper) The effect of a target's Tanga Berry will activate before it can be eaten by Bug Bite.In this double battle test, two Wurmple that know the move Bug Bite face two Treecko that each know the move Sleep Talk, but only one holds a Tanga Berry. - Turn 1 Both Treecko use Sleep Talk. The Wurmples attack the Treeckos with Bug Bite. One of the Treecko's Tanga Berry is activated by the super-effective Bug-type attack and halves the damage from Bug Bite. - We verify that both Treeckos took damage from Bug Bite. We verify that both Treeckos do not have a held item. We verify that both Wurmples are not holding a held item. We verify that both Wurmples do not have a berry as their consumed item. We verify that the first Treecko's consumed item is a berry. We verify that the first Treecko holding the Tanga Berry took half the damage the second Treecko did.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldEatTargetsLiechiBerryEvenIfAboveHPThreshold(BattleTestHelper helper) The effect of berries such as the Liechi Berry will be eaten by the attacker, regardless of them meeting their consumption requirement upon taking damage from Bug Bite.In this test, a Wurmple that knows the move Bug Bite faces a Phantump that holds a Liechi Berry and knows the move Sleep Talk. - Turn 1 The Phantump uses Sleep Talk. The Wurmple attacks the Phantump with Bug Bite. The Wurmple eat the Liechi Berry and raises its Attack by one stage, despite being at full health. - We verify that the Phantump took damage from Bug Bite. We verify that the Phantump does not have a held item. We verify that the Wurmple does not have a held item. We verify that the Wurmple's consumed item is a berry. We verify that the Phantump has not consumed an item. We verify that the Wurmple has had its Attack raised by one stage.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldEatTargetsSitrusBerryEvenIfAboveHPThreshold(BattleTestHelper helper) The effect of berries such as the Sitrus Berry will be eaten by the attacker, regardless of them meeting their consumption requirement upon taking damage from Bug Bite.In this test, a Wurmple that knows the move Bug Bite faces a Buizel that holds a Sitrus Berry and knows the move Sonic Boom (always deals exactly 20 damage). - Turn 1 The Buizel uses Sonic Boom. The Wurmple attacks the Buizel with Bug Bite. The Wurmple eat the Sitrus Berry and heals itself, despite not being below 50% HP. - We verify that the Buizel took damage from Bug Bite. We verify that the Buizel does not have a held item. We verify that the Wurmple does not have a held item. We verify that the Wurmple's consumed item is a berry. We verify that the Buizel's consumed item is not a berry. We verify that the Wurmple is at full health.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldReceiveTheEffectsOfTheTargetsBerryDespiteHavingTheKlutzAbility(BattleTestHelper helper) Bug Bite will receive the effects of the target's held berry even if it has the Klutz ability.In this test, a Wurmple that (illegally) has the Klutz ability and that knows the move Bug Bite faces a Phantump that holds a Lum Berry and knows the move Will-O-Wisp. - Turn 1 The Phantump attacks the Wurmple with Will-O-Wisp and applies the Burn status condition to the Wurmple. The Wurmple attacks the Phantump with Bug Bite, which deals damage, consumes the Phantump's Lum Berry, and cures the Wurmple of its Burn, despite the Klutz ability preventing the user from using held items. - We verify that the Phantump took damage from Bug Bite. We verify that the Phantump does not have a held item. We verify that the Wurmple is not holding a held item. We verify that the Wurmple's consumed item is a berry. We verify that the Phantump's consumed item is not a berry. We verify that the Wurmple does not have the Burn status.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testShouldReceiveTheEffectsOfTheTargetsBerryDespiteHavingTheEmbargoStatus(BattleTestHelper helper) Bug Bite will receive the effects of the target's held berry even if the user is affected by Embargo.In this test, a Wurmple that knows the moves Tackle and Bug Bite faces a Shuppet that holds a Lum Berry and knows the moves Will-O-Wisp and Embargo. - Turn 1 The Shuppet attacks the Wurmple with Will-O-Wisp and applies the Burn status condition to the Wurmple. The Wurmple attacks the Shuppet with Tackle, which doesn't deal any damage. The Wurmple takes damage from its Burn. Turn 2 The Shuppet uses Embargo on the Wurmple with Embargo and prevents it from using its held item. The Wurmple attacks the Shuppet with Bug Bite, which deals damage, consumes the Shuppet's Lum Berry, and cures the Wurmple of its Burn. - After turn 1... We verify that the Wurmple has the Burn status. After turn 2... We verify that the Shuppet took damage from Bug Bite. We verify that the Shuppet does not have a held item. We verify that the Wurmple is not holding a held item. We verify that the Wurmple's consumed item is a berry. We verify that the Shuppet's consumed item is not a berry. We verify that the Wurmple has the Embargo status. We verify that the Wurmple does not have the Burn status.
public static CompletableFuture<TestResult> testPluckShouldHitNonAdjacentOpponentsInTripleBatttles(BattleTestHelper helper) Pluck can hit non-adjacent opponents in Triple Battles. Bug Bite cannot.In this Triple Battle test, a Doduo that knows the move Pluck is on a team with a Magikarp that knows Splash and a Bonsly that knows Sleep Talk. They are facing a Chatot that holds a Lum Berry and knows the move Roost, along with a Ninetales that knows the move Will-O-Wisp, and a Snorlax that knows the move Snore. - Turn 1 The Ninetales attacks the Doduo with Will-O-Wisp and applies the Burn status condition to the Doduo. The Chatot uses Roost, which does nothing. The Magikarp uses Splash. The Doduo uses Pluck on the non-adjacent enemy Ninetales; Doduo eats Ninetales' Lum Berry. Doduo is cured of its Burn status. Snorlax uses Snore. Bonsly uses Sleep Talk. - We verify that the Doduo and the Chatot are non-adjacent. We verify that the Chatot is not at full health. We verify that the Chatot does not have a held item. We verify that the Doduo is not holding a held item. We verify that the Doduo does not have the Burn status. We verify that the Chatot's consumed item is not a berry. We verify that the Doduo's consumed item is a berry.